Incomplete breech presentation


Introduction The incomplete breech presentation is first exposed to one foot or two feet, one knee or two knees or one foot and one knee. The first exposure of the knee is temporary, and the beginning of the birth process turns to the first exposure. Less common. The breech presentation is the most common abnormal fetal position, accounting for 3% to 4% of the total number of full-term births. The breech presentation is based on the humerus as the indication point, which is divided into six types of fetal position: left front, left horizontal, left rear, right front, right right, and right rear. The fetal buttocks are at the entrance of the mother's pelvis, and the fetal head is at the bottom of the mother's uterus. The fetal head can also be located at the left and right side of the palace.



1. The fetal activity in the uterine cavity is too large, the amniotic fluid is too much, the maternal abdominal wall is loose, and the amniotic fluid in the premature infant is relatively large. The fetus is free to move freely in the uterine cavity to form the breech presentation.

2. Fetal in the uterine cavity limited range of uterine malformations (such as single-horned uterus, double-horned uterus, etc.), fetal malformations (such as hydrocephalus, etc.), twins and oligohydramnios, etc., prone to hip first exposure.

3. The fetal head is blocked by the pelvis, the placenta previa, the tumor obstructing the pelvis, etc., and the hips are prone to occur.


an examination

Related inspection

Gynecological ultrasound examination of pelvic and vaginal ultrasound

(1) Clinical manifestations: The fetal hips can not be close to the cervix, often leading to uterine contraction, slow expansion of the cervix and prolonged labor.

(2) Abdominal examination: The uterus is longitudinally elliptical, the bottom of the palace touches the round and hard, and the fetal head with a floating ball feels; the pubic symphysis touches the irregular, soft and wide fetal buttocks, and the fetal heart is on the left side of the umbilicus ( Or right) Listen the most clearly.

(3) vaginal examination: touch the soft and irregular medical teaching. The breeding network will collect the fetal buttocks or touch the fetal foot and the fetal knee. Understand the degree of expansion of the cervix and the presence or absence of umbilical cord prolapse. If the membrane is broken, it can directly contact the fetal hip, external genitalia and anus. The finger is placed in the anus and has an annular sphincter contraction, and the finger is removed from the meconium.

(4) B-mode ultrasound examination: It can accurately detect the type of hip first exposure and the size of the fetus and the posture of the fetal head.


Differential diagnosis

1. The fetal position is not correct: the correct order of normal output should be first from the head. If the lower body is produced first, even the shoulders, arms and other parts are first produced, which is called "the fetal position is not correct". The most common is the so-called breech position, that is, the direction of the buttocks toward the cervix and the birth canal. Others such as oblique or transverse position (shoulders or trunks facing the birth canal) are less, but the risk is not small. This is only the most rough classification. In fact, only the first child in the back of the head is the easiest way to produce, and other methods are likely to cause more or less danger or prolonged labor during the production process.

2. Hip production: Normal pregnancy is close to full-term production, most of the fetus's position is head-down, this so-called "head-type" accounted for 96%; and 3% is ass down, It is called "hip-type".

3. Fetal single arm first exposed: single hip first exposed or straight hip first exposed (frank breech presentation) fetal double hip flexion, knee joint straight extension, with the hip as the first exposed. Most seen. The breech presentation is the most common abnormal fetal position, accounting for about 3% to 4% of the total number of full-term deliveries in pregnancy. Because the fetal head is larger than the fetal buttocks, and there is no obvious deformation of the fetal head after delivery, it is often difficult to deliver, and the umbilical cord prolapse is more common, which increases the perinatal mortality, which is 3 to 8 times that of the pillow. The breech presentation is based on the tibia, and there are six types of fetal positions: the left front, the left left, the left, the right front, the right, and the right.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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