Bone marrow changes


Introduction Bone marrow image change refers to the phenomenon of bone marrow cell proliferation, bone marrow cell count, red pigment ratio, and the proportion of hematopoietic cells in various systems and stages.



Different types of bone marrow changes have different causes. Such as iron deficiency anemia bone marrow changes mainly because of iron deficiency, but more or less will be related to the environment, such as radiation.


an examination

Related inspection

Bone marrow imaging, bone marrow imaging, bone marrow imaging, bone marrow imaging

1. Make a diagnosis in combination with medical history.

2. Exclusion diagnosis: examination of bone marrow.


Differential diagnosis

Bone marrow changes can occur in a variety of lesions, and each disease that has a bone marrow change will have a different bone marrow image.

1. Bone marrow of aplastic anemia: a. Reduced or severely reduced myeloproliferation, decreased volume percentage (Vol%) of hematopoietic tissue and adipose tissue (less than 34% by volume), increased fat cells and matrix. b, red blood cells, neutropenia, megakaryocytes are significantly reduced or not seen, lymphocytes are relatively increased, plasma cells, mast cells, reticular cells and other non-hematopoietic cells increase.

2, megaloblastic anemia bone marrow: a, bone marrow hyperplasia is extremely active, hematopoietic tissue area is greater than or equal to 90Vol%, fat cells are reduced. b. The megaloblasts at different stages of development are diffusely infiltrated and the ratio of granules/red is reduced.

3, iron deficiency anemia bone marrow: a, bone marrow hyperplasia is active or extremely active, hematopoietic tissue area 50 ~ 89Vol% (or higher), mainly in different stages of erythrocyte proliferation, the ratio of grain / red is reduced. b. Mainly in the middle and late erythrocyte proliferation, the nucleus is small and dense, the cell mass is small, and the edges are irregular.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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