Laryngeal fibroma


Introduction to laryngeal fibroma Laryngeal fibroma is a tumor derived from connective tissue, composed of fibroblasts and fiber bundles, and is relatively rare in the larynx. Symptoms depend on the location and size of the occurrence. The size of the tumor is different. The small one is only like rice, and the larger one can block the respiratory tract. It occurs mostly in the middle of the vocal cords. It can also be seen in the subglottic area, the ventricular zone or the epiglottis. It is round or oval, with a smooth surface, pedicle or base width, grayish or reddish, and hard. The treatment is mainly surgical resection, the small one can be removed under the indirect laryngoscope or the support laryngoscope, and the larger one needs to perform laryngeal splitting. Fibroids should be surgically removed early and the surrounding tissues attached should be properly removed. Hard fibroids should be extensively removed early. Postoperative pathological examination to exclude malignant conditions, generally do not need medication. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: blocked throat


Cause of laryngeal fibroma


It is composed of fibroblasts and fiber bundles and is rare in the throat. Symptoms vary depending on the location and size of the tumor, and the size of the tumor varies. The small one is only like rice grain, the big one can block the respiratory tract, mostly in the middle part of the vocal cords, also in the subglottic area, the ventricular zone or the epiglottis, round or oval, the surface is smooth and pedicle, or the base is wide gray or light. Red is harder. The treatment is mainly surgical resection, the small one can be removed under the indirect laryngoscope or the support laryngoscope, and the larger one needs to perform laryngeal splitting.


Laryngeal fibroma prevention

In the course of treatment, the patient's psychology should also be correctly guided so that the patient has a clear understanding of the disease and avoids the patient falling into various bad emotions and psychology. At the same time, patients should be encouraged to participate in some beneficial sports, especially various outdoor sports. Such as: mountain climbing, fishing, etc.


Laryngeal fibroma complications Complications

Postoperative recurrence

According to the post-operative follow-up survey of 2000 patients with fibroids, in 1 year after surgery, 30% of patients had fibroids, and 70% after 3 years. The root cause is:

Surgery is only a way to cure the symptoms. Fibroids are distributed along the central nervous system of the human body. Recurrence of fibroids is inevitable.

The stimulation of the operation itself is also one of the causes of recurrence of fibroids, and often causes metastasis and recurrence of other parts of fibroids, making treatment more troublesome and difficult.


Symptoms of laryngeal fibroma Common symptoms Sound hoarseness, sore throat, dyspnea, diffuse mucosal fat, throat...

The main symptom is hoarseness, which is slow to develop and not malignant. The larger one can cause the throat to block. Symptoms depend on the location and size of the occurrence. The size of the tumor is different. The small one is only like rice, and the larger one can block the respiratory tract. It occurs mostly in the middle of the vocal cords. It can also be seen in the subglottic area, the ventricular zone or the epiglottis. It is round or oval, with a smooth surface, pedicle or base width, grayish or reddish, and hard.


Laryngeal fibroma examination

1 Neck: Includes a diagnosis and palpation of the shape of the larynx and cervical lymph nodes. Palpation of cervical lymph nodes should be based on the distribution of cervical lymph nodes, from top to bottom, from front to back, to find out the location and size of the swollen shower.

2 laryngoscope: indirect laryngoscope is a commonly used method, only when the indirect laryngoscope is not easy or difficult to take pathology, you can use the direct laryngoscope and fiber light guide to further understand the fibroid throat, and can be suspicious Get the organization in time and send the pathology.

3 imaging:

(1) X-ray: The general location, size, shape and changes of cartilage, trachea or cervical soft tissue of the X-ray laryngeal lateral slice and the laryngeal vertebral slice. Laryngography is available if necessary.

(2) CT, MR: is to help the growth of fibroids in the larynx.

(3) Ultrasonic tomography: a method for the detection, location, and surrounding tissue of the lymph nodes with neck enlargement and follow-up after radiotherapy. It has the advantages of no damage, convenience, accuracy, low and repeated.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of laryngeal fibroma

According to clinical performance and laboratory tests. The main symptom is hoarseness, which is slow to develop and not malignant.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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