Laryngeal tuberculosis


Introduction to throat tuberculosis Throat tuberculosis is the most common type of otolaryngology tuberculosis. The disease is mostly spread by open tuberculosis through the airway, and the primary is rare. More tuberculosis secondary to more severe tuberculosis or other organs is transmitted through contact, blood or lymphatic route. The contact infection of the throat is caused by the adhesion of sputum sputum to the mucous membrane of the throat or mucosal folds. The wound or glandular opening is invaded by the deep part of the mucosa. It is divided into three types: infiltrating type, ulcer type and mass type. It occurs in the back of the throat and in the vocal cords, ventricular bands, epiglottis, etc., and is caused by infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It should be treated and isolated in time after illness. Laryngeal tuberculosis is mostly spread by open tuberculosis through the airway, and there are very few tuberculosis in the throat. The lesions can be divided into three types: (1) invasive type: mucosal epithelial thickening, typical tuberculous nodules can be seen in the lamina propria, and fibrous tissue hyperplasia and lymphocyte infiltration vary in degree. (2) Ulcer type: characterized by the formation of tuberculous ulcer, the ulcer surface is dry and necrotic, and the tuberculous granulation tissue and fibrous scar tissue are under it. The squamous epithelium near the ulcer often shows obvious papillary hyperplasia or pseudoepithelium. Tumor-like hyperplasia. (3) Mass type: The fibrous connective tissue in the tuberculosis lesions obviously proliferated to form a mass. Tuberculous nodules are often surrounded by a large number of fibrous tissues, and dry necrosis is often not obvious. Throat tuberculosis easily spreads to adjacent tissues and spreads through the lymphatics to cause cervical lymph node tuberculosis. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: droplet spread Complications: cough


Cause of laryngeal tuberculosis

Infection factor (80%):

Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Very few primary, more secondary to more serious tuberculosis or tuberculosis of other organs, through contact, blood or lymphatic transmission, the contact infection of the throat is due to the adhesion of sputum to the laryngeal mucosa or mucosal wrinkles In the pleats, bacteria invade the deep part of the mucosa through tiny wounds or duct openings.

Throat tuberculosis occurs in the posterior part of the larynx as well as vocal cords, ventricular bands, epiglottis, etc. According to pathological changes, it can be divided into three types: infiltrative type, ulcer type and proliferative type.

(1) Invasive type: lymphocytes infiltrated under the mucosa, forming nodules, with conjunctival hyperemia and edema.

(2) Ulcer type: caseous necrosis of tuberculous nodules, tuberculous ulcer formation, ulcer development to the deep part of the cartilage and cartilage of the black part, which is more common with epiglottic cartilage and sacral cartilage. An abscess can form when a secondary septic infection occurs.

(3) proliferative type: advanced infiltrating lesions accompanied by fibrous tissue hyperplasia, forming tuberculoma.


Throat tuberculosis prevention

First of all, don't touch patients with infectious tuberculosis. Wear masks for patients with infectious tuberculosis. Do not dig your nose with your hands to avoid introducing M. tuberculosis. Do not use tableware from TB patients to avoid swallowing tuberculosis. If you find tuberculosis in a certain part of your body, you should treat it promptly so as not to pass it to other parts. In addition, patients with infectious tuberculosis should consciously self-segregate to avoid transmission to family, friends and the community.


Throat tuberculosis complications Complications cough

Complications include: hoarseness, sore throat, swallowing pain, cough, blood in the sputum, blood stasis, fever, night sweats, weight loss (nutrition) and other symptoms of systemic poisoning, or lymphatic masses.


Throat tuberculosis symptoms common symptoms hoarseness, sore throat, throat edema, loss of breath, difficulty breathing

The main symptoms are hoarseness, lighter at first, gradually worsening later, and the whole stage can be completely aphasia, often with sore throat, aggravated when swallowing the throat, sore throat when the perichondrium is invaded, and a wide range of laryngeal lesions, due to granulation and Mucosal edema and difficulty in breathing, laryngoscopy showed pale laryngeal mucosa, localized vocal cords in the intercondylar region or one side of the vaginal discharge, ulcers were worm-like, margins were irregular, granulation hyperplasia at the bottom, epiglottis and sputum wall edema Thickening, lesions involving the ankle joint can lead to vocal cord fixation, cartilage abscess outward piercing, the neck can be seen in the fistula, this disease should pay attention to the identification of laryngeal cancer.


Laryngeal tuberculosis examination

1. Routine examination: Whether there is ulcer or granulation in the mucosa of the nasopharynx. Whether the patient has symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and hearing loss. Tonsil tuberculosis, often without obvious symptoms, is called recessive tuberculosis, with tuberculous lymphadenitis in the neck. Pharyngeal tuberculosis is generally divided into two types: acute miliary type and chronic ulcer type.

2, laboratory tests: sputum, looking for acid-fast bacilli.

3, chest X-ray film: X-ray examination has a wide range of applications in clinical diagnosis, is one of the effective means of early detection, early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of laryngeal tuberculosis.

4, biopsy: biopsy is to cut a part of the diseased tissue from the suspicious part of the lesion for pathological biopsy.


Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of laryngeal

1. Find acid-fast bacilli through clinical characteristics of the patient and laboratory investigation.

2, chest X-ray film: X-ray examination has a wide range of applications in clinical diagnosis, is one of the effective means of early detection, early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of laryngeal tuberculosis.

3, biopsy: biopsy is to cut a part of the diseased tissue from the suspicious part of the lesion for pathological biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

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