Pseudoepithelioma-like hyperplasia of the vulva


Introduction to vulvar pseudoepithelial neoplasia Vulvar pseudoepithelial neoplasia is a vulvar disease mainly characterized by benign hyperplasia of squamous epithelial cells. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0005% Susceptible people: women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: vulvar invasive squamous cell carcinoma


Vulvar pseudoepithelial neoplasia

the reason

The specific cause is unknown and may be related to the dampness of the vulva or long-term stimulation of secretions.


The spinous cell layer of the vulvar epidermis proliferates, and the epithelial foot extends downward, but the more the downward stretches, the smaller the cells are, the nails become thinner, the ends are obtuse, the nails extend in parallel, and there may be lymphocytes or a small amount of pulp between the nails. The cells infiltrated, but the epithelial cells were arranged neatly, with cell size, polarity, morphology, and normal staining.


Vulvar pseudoepithelial neoplasia prevention

1, regular physical examination: early prevention can improve the survival rate, should be regularly checked for physical examination, pay attention to follow-up.

2, pay attention to personal hygiene, keep the vulva clean, avoid wearing non-breathable chemical fiber underwear, disable the irritating alkaline soap to clean the vulva.

3, enhance physical fitness, improve their own immunity: pay attention to work and rest, participate in physical exercise, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.


Vulvar pseudoepithelial neoplasia complications Complications vulvar invasive squamous cell carcinoma

Concurrent vulvar invasive cancer.


Vulvar pseudoepithelial hyperplasia symptoms Common symptoms Itching skin hypertrophy Repeated bleeding

More common in middle-aged or postmenopausal elderly women, mainly manifested as genital itching, due to repeated scratching can make local skin thickening, pigmentation or lichen-like changes, lesions can affect the labia majora, clitoris and labia joint, lesions Can be isolated, focal or multiple, fusion, the disease can coexist with vulvar invasive cancer, the malignant rate is about 2%.


Examination of vulvar pseudoepithelial neoplasia

Tumor marker examination.

Pathological biopsy: firstly stain the vulva lesion with 1% toluidine blue, dry and decolorize with 1% acetic acid, biopsy in non-decolorization zone, toluidine blue as nuclear stain, non-decolorization zone often indicates the existence of naked nuclei, if disease The results suggest that dysplasia or carcinoma in situ should be attributed to vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of vulvar pseudoepithelial neoplasia

Diagnosis can be confirmed based on clinical symptoms and signs and histopathological examination.

Identification with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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