Malignant blue nevus


Introduction to malignant blue dragonfly Malignant blue nevus, rare. It can occur on the basis of the original blue dragonfly or Ota, or it can be a malignant blue dragonfly at the beginning. The skin lesions are superficial and can be broken. The disease can invade local lymph nodes or extensive systemic metastasis. In addition, some necrotic areas are common, but there is no border activity. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0005%--0.0008% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: sarcoidosis


Cause of malignant blue sputum


Blue sputum is caused by the accumulation of abnormal melanocytes in the dermis, which is rare. It is often associated with pigmented nevus, cardiac myxoma, mucinous mucosa of the skin, and associated with nodular mast cell proliferation. Its histology and pigment cells, mast cells Have a certain relationship.

The blue-gray appearance of the blue dragonfly is mainly the visual effect produced by the dermal melanin covering the epidermis. The long wave of visible light is absorbed by the pigment cells through the deep dermis, while the short wave (blue) cannot be absorbed, and then reflected to the viewer's eye in blue. The occurrence of explosive blue mites is related to sun exposure.


Melanocytes are generally located in the middle of the dermis and can involve the upper or subcutaneous tissue of the dermis. The number of melanocytes is more, and there are more bulges in the lesions. The cell bodies are elongated and have a fusiform shape, which is scattered between the dermal collagen fibers. Melanocytes are seen in a few lesions. In addition to skin tissue, other tissues including the deep periosteum can also be seen in melanocytes infiltration.


Malignant blue dragonfly prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease. If the pigmentation of the face is often irritated by various rubbing and damage such as shaving, touching, pinching, etc., it may cause itching and burning of the ankle, and the volume of the sputum may increase to varying degrees, and the color may be deepened or infected. , rupture, bleeding, etc., must be wary of this malignant change. To this end, people who like to touch the black face with their hands often should change this bad habit as soon as possible to avoid the "quality" change.


Malignant blue sputum complications Complications

The disease can invade local lymph nodes or extensive systemic metastases.


Malignant blue sputum symptoms common symptoms subcutaneous nodule nodules

It can occur on the basis of the original blue dragonfly or Ota, or it can be a malignant blue dragonfly at the beginning. If the original blue dragonfly suddenly increases, it will be broken, suggesting malignant transformation, the skin lesions are superficial and can be broken; the deep ones are Large blue nodules, this disease can invade local lymph nodes or extensive systemic metastases.


Examination of malignant blue scorpion

Histopathology: The tumor cells are located in the deep or subcutaneous tissue of the dermis, with branched dendrites, containing melanin particles, aggregated into clusters, and have typical tumor malignant features, such as invasiveness, nuclear atypical and abnormal mitosis, in addition, common Some necrotic areas, but no bordering activity, how much melanin particles are uncertain.


Diagnosis and differentiation of malignant blue scorpion

According to the clinical manifestations, the characteristics of skin lesions and histopathological features can be diagnosed.

1. Primary malignant melanoma: the identification is that malignant blue sputum has no bordering activity.

2. Metastatic malignant melanoma: The key is the absence of dendritic cells, if any, tend to malignant blue sputum.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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