Acne-like nevus


Introduction to acne The acne-like cockroach (naevuscomedoicus) is a skin dysplasia characterized by a number of depressions (acne) filled with keratin in a linear or banded arrangement. First reported by kofmann in 1895. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: the incidence rate of puberty is about 30% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: basal cell carcinoma, small sweat gland


Acne-like cause

Residual hair follicles with a type of dysplasia (30%):

The pathogenesis is still unclear and may be associated with residual hair follicles associated with certain types of dysplasia. Acne-like sputum may be secondary to blunt injury, herpes zoster, varicella, smallpox and pyoderma. Herpes zoster is an acute infectious skin disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. Chickenpox occurs after a child with no immunity to the virus is infected. Some patients become infected with a virus without symptoms. Because the virus is neurotropic, it can be lurking in the neurons of the posterior root ganglia of the spinal cord for a long time after infection. When the resistance is low or tired, infected, or caught, the virus can grow and reproduce and move along the nerve fibers to the skin. Causes intense inflammation of the affected nerves and skin.

Lichen planus (30%):

The disease is a chronic inflammatory disease involving the skin, hair follicles, nails and mucous membranes caused by unknown causes. It is mostly caused by middle-aged people. The characteristic rash is characterized by purple-red polygonal flat papules and plaques, which occur in the wrist and forearm. The distal part of the lower extremity and the anterior humerus area, the patient consciously itching.

Environmental factors (20%):

For a kind of abnormal skin development, the cause is still unknown, and may have certain correlation with environmental factors, genetic factors, dietary factors, and mood and nutrition during pregnancy.


Acne-like sputum prevention

The cause of this disease is not clear, and may have certain correlation with environmental factors, genetic factors, dietary factors, and mood and nutrition during pregnancy. Therefore, this disease cannot be directly prevented. Early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment are important for preventing this disease. Because the disease occurs in the skin that is often exposed to sunlight, it should be protected when going out during the summer season.


Acne-like hernia complications Complications, basal cell carcinoma, small sweat gland

Acne-like sputum can be associated with skeletal defects, central nervous system abnormalities, eye damage and other skin lesions such as ichthyosis, rickets, Becker sputum, basal cell carcinoma, small sweat adenine and hair follicle cysts.


Acne-like symptoms of common symptoms, cysts, papules, brows and brows

Skin lesions can occur at any time from birth to middle age, but are usually more common in the age of 10 years. The characteristic lesions are densely clustered, slightly elevated pimples, and black horns with acne in the center. The plug is not easy to remove, the lesions are distributed in a unilateral line, and even the bilateral distribution, or the lesions are widely distributed, the good hair is the face, followed by the neck, trunk and upper limbs, other rare parts include the palmar, penis And the head, which can be accompanied by cysts, abscesses, fistulas and scars. At this time, it is called acne-like sputum Naevus acneiformis. In addition, acne-like sputum can be associated with skeletal defects, central nervous system abnormalities, eye damage and other skin lesions such as ichthyosis. Disease, Becker, basal cell carcinoma, small sweat adenine and hair follicle cyst.


Acne-like examination

Histopathology: hair follicles are dilated and filled with horny plugs.

Physical examination: characteristic skin lesions are arranged in densely integrated groups, with slightly elevated papules, with black horn plugs similar to acne in the center. The angle plugs are difficult to remove, and the lesions are unilaterally distributed, even on both sides, or Widely distributed skin lesions.


Acne-like diagnosis and identification

According to the characteristics of clinical manifestations of skin lesions, histopathological examination can be diagnosed.

This disease is generally not confused with other diseases.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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