Open traumatic brain injury


Introduction to open brain injury Open head injury refers to the destruction of the skull and dura mater, and the brain tissue communicates directly or indirectly with the outside world. About 17% of brain damage. Usually caused by sharps, blunt blows and falls and falls, the war is caused by firearms. The clinical manifestations vary greatly depending on the cause, method and intensity of the injury, but most of them have different degrees of coma, wounds in the wound and wound, focal brain symptoms and easy to concurrent infection, especially firearm-related brain injury. The injuries are more serious, faster, less effective, more sequelae and higher mortality. This disease is more common in the process of violent fighting, sharp damage, non-firearm injuries are more common, such as knives, axe cuts, etc., and wartime caused by various firearms. The scalp and the skull are directly damaged by sharp instruments or firearms to make the brain tissue directly communicate with the outside world. Also seen in the indirect contact with the outside of the skull base fracture. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0003% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: traumatic internal carotid cavernous sinus fistula brain swelling brain abscess


Cause of open brain injury

This disease is more common in the process of violent fighting, sharp damage, non-firearm injuries are more common, such as knives, axe cuts, etc., and wartime caused by various firearms. The scalp and the skull are directly damaged by sharp instruments or firearms to make the brain tissue directly communicate with the outside world. Also seen in the indirect contact with the outside of the skull base fracture.


Open brain injury prevention

The disease is caused by traumatic factors, so paying attention to production and life safety is the key to preventing this disease. The causes of craniocerebral trauma in different age groups are different, and the focus of prevention is different. For children, children under the age of 2 are mostly active indoors, falling from the bed or sofa as the main reason. When children aged 2-14 are outdoors, guardians should take targeted protective measures to conduct safety education and safety drills for children. For young and middle-aged people, we should focus on prevention of traffic accidents, falls and blows. When driving or hitchhiking, we must fasten our seat belts and maintain proper alertness to prevent cervical vertebrae and even brain damage caused by sudden braking and emergency stop. As a non-motorized driver, you must strictly observe the traffic rules, wear a safety helmet, and prohibit wearing the road and away from the earth-moving car. The elderly should focus on preventing falls, mainly to prevent the bathroom from falling, falling in rain and snow, and falling and falling. It is recommended to lay anti-slip mats in the bathroom to reduce the rain and snow. Older people should have regular physical examinations to monitor blood pressure and blood sugar.


Open brain trauma complications Complications, traumatic carotid cavernous sinus, brain swelling, brain abscess

1, traumatic internal carotid cavernous fistula: typical symptoms: pulsatile exophthalmos; intracranial murmur, compression of carotid murmur weakened or disappeared; eye movement disorders; ball combined membrane edema, congestion.

2, traumatic arterial epistaxis: skull base fracture and internal carotid artery, sphenopalatine artery or ethmoid artery can cause difficult to stop arterial nosebleeds.

3, brain bulging: generally can be divided into early brain bulging (within a week) and late brain bulging (more than a week).

4, brain abscess: is a common complication of brain penetrating injury and one of the causes of late death, early thorough debridement is a key measure to prevent the occurrence of abscess.

5, traumatic epilepsy: more common in the brain penetrating injury, can occur at any time, but the highest incidence after the injury from March to June, early onset and brain contusion, cerebral edema, hematoma and sag fracture, late onset Due to brain abscess, cerebral scar and brain atrophy, the clinical focus is mainly on seizures, and it can also be a major attack.

6, skull defect: open brain injury debridement or closed craniocerebral injury after decompression, can leave the skull defect, clinical may have dizziness, headache, and sometimes cause nausea, vomiting and epilepsy, and patients have Afraid of bruises and other insecurities, the wound can be repaired 3 months after the wound is healed, and the infected wound must be extended to more than half a year after the injury.

7, after the brain injury syndrome: after the brain injury, many patients may have some neurological or mental disorders, collectively known as craniocerebral injury syndrome, the patient complained of frequent dizziness, headache, nausea, anorexia, Fatigue, irritability, tinnitus, sweating, palpitations, memory loss, mental dysfunction, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, menstrual disorders, etc., symptoms are light and heavy, and have a certain relationship with mental state of mind, patients often complain more than the nervous system Positive signs.


Open brain trauma symptoms Common symptoms Consciousness disorder Respiratory abnormalities Increased intracranial pressure Psychiatric disorder Sensory disorder Coma Intracranial hemorrhage Pupil abnormal blood pressure fluctuation Cerebral membrane stimulation

1. Disorder of consciousness: There are many coma in the early stage, but there is no coma at the same time, and some wounded people may still have mental disorders.

2. Vital signs: Heavy wounds, most of the wounds immediately after the injury, pulse, blood pressure changes.

3. Eye signs: There may be dilated pupils, reduced or large and small.

4. Exercise, feeling and reflex barriers: depending on the specific injury.

5. Increased intracranial pressure.

6. Meningeal irritation: often due to intracranial hemorrhage, infection, increased intracranial pressure, should also pay attention to the possibility of craniocerebral injury.


Open brain injury examination

It is necessary to quickly identify the nature of the brain injury and the presence or absence of combined injuries in other areas, emphasizing the X-ray examination of the head. For those suspected of having an intracranial infection, lumbar puncture and cerebrospinal fluid examination may be performed.

For the complications after the brain injury, the diagnosis method can be selected according to the specific conditions, including brain ultrasound, cerebral angiography, CT and MR brain scan.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of open brain injury


Diagnosis can be based on medical history, clinical symptoms, and laboratory tests.

Differential diagnosis

Should be differentiated from concussion, etc., according to clinical symptoms and signs are not difficult to identify.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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