Metatarsophalangeal joint pain
Introduction to metatarsophalangeal joint pain Pain toe joint pain is a pain involving the metatarsophalangeal joint. It is a common symptom, almost all due to subsurface dislocation caused by abnormal joint surface and impact of joint capsule and synovial membrane, eventually leading to destruction of articular cartilage (degenerative joint disease) . Patients with toe joint pain often have traumatic subluxation and pain in the second metatarsophalangeal joint. Painful subluxation of the metatarsophalangeal joint may also be caused by joint disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis). The main symptom of this disease is joint pain of the toe and joint. If there is no obvious fever and swelling in joint pain, inflammatory joint disease can generally be ruled out. However, it is beneficial to check according to rheumatism. Joint pain without burning sensation, no numbness or The tingling sensation can be differentiated from the neuroma or neuralgia of the interphalangeal nerve. When the joint is palpated and the joint is active, tenderness usually occurs on the dorsal side and the sole of the joint, and the symptoms of neuralgia are often limited to the foot. Bottom surface. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.01% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: joint dislocation, ataxia
Cause of toe joint pain
This subluxation is seen in the following patients: anterior stiffness and stiffness, hammer-toed deformity, vacant or high arched foot, excessive valgus from the lower joint ( inward rotation, ie pronation) and valgus deformity (Bunion), due to the overlap of the toes on other toes, patients with toe joint pain often have traumatic subluxation and pain in the second metatarsophalangeal joint. Painful subluxation of the metatarsophalangeal joint may also be caused by joint disease (such as rheumatoid). Caused by arthritis).
Metatarsophalangeal joint pain prevention
First of all, the most important thing for this disease is to find out the cause, take the treatment of the cause, and actively prevent the occurrence of complications.
Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the cause of the injury of the metatarsophalangeal joint, and try to avoid it. If you walk carefully, you should be careful to kick something and cause damage to the metatarsophalangeal joint.
Metatarsal joint pain complications Complications, joint dislocation, ataxia
Pain toe joint pain is a common symptom, not the disease itself. There are many causes of metatarsophalangeal joint pain. The most common one is the abnormality of the articular surface caused by subluxation and the impact of the joint capsule and the synovial membrane, which causes joint pain. .
Therefore, the complications of this disease are mainly caused by the primary disease. The most common is the joint dislocation and further development of joint dislocation, which may also cause arthritis. Some joint pains may also be caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The most serious complication of joint disease is disability.
Symptoms of metatarsophalangeal joint pain Common symptoms Joint pain, neuralgia, joint stiffness, stiff joints
The main symptom is joint pain of the toe and joint. If the joint pain does not have obvious fever and swelling, inflammatory joint disease can generally be ruled out. However, it is beneficial to check according to rheumatism. Joint pain without burning sensation, no numbness or tingling It can be distinguished from neuroma or neuralgia of the interphalangeal nerve. When the joint is palpated and the joint is active, tenderness can usually occur on the dorsal side and the sole of the joint. The symptoms of neuralgia are often limited to the sole of the foot.
Examination of metatarsophalangeal joint pain
Mainly do X-ray, CT examination, to rule out organic lesions.
The above-mentioned imaging examination can detect the condition. If the toe-to-toe joint pain is caused by the dislocation of the metatarsophalangeal joint, it can show the dislocation and subluxation of the foot and the fracture of the surrounding bone, etc. Serious illness, you can also find broken bone pieces between the tibia.
Diagnosis and diagnosis of metatarsal joint pain
Diagnosis based on symptoms and examinations.
Differential diagnosis
1, the disease needs to be identified with neuralgia or neuroma:
Joint pain without burning sensation, no numbness or tingling, can be differentiated from neuroma or neuralgia of the interphalangeal nerve. When the joint is palpated and the joint is active, tenderness usually occurs on the dorsal side and the sole of the joint. The symptoms of neuralgia are often limited to the sole of the foot. When the high arch or hammer toe is deformed, the cause should be sought: the tibialis anterior muscle weakness must be excluded, the Achilles tendon is too tight, and the neurological disease (such as ataxia Charcot-Marie-Tooth) Disease), or toe contracture of stroke sequelae.
2, in addition, the disease needs to be differentiated from the tibial bone injury, X-ray examination can be identified.
The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.