Pleural and ascites fibrin degradation products

Fibrin (original) degradation products (FDP) are the result of plasmin degradation of fibrin (original). The FDP of malignant effusion is significantly higher than that of tuberculous effusion, while the latter is higher than cirrhosis. If the FDP is greater than 1000 mg/L, the possibility of malignant effusion is high. Basic Information Specialist classification: Oncology examination classification: chest and ascites examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: Normally negative or weakly positive. Positive: Positive in malignant tumors, serious infections. Tips: The specimen to be inspected should be fully solidified and separated in time. Because the specimens such as pleural effusion and ascites contain fibrinogen, the same amount of thrombin (10u/ml) is added before the test, and the mixture is incubated at 37 ° C for 30 min, centrifuged, and the supernatant is tested. Normal value Negative or weakly positive. Clinical significance Positive in malignant tumors, serious infections. Positive results may be diseases: malignant tumor, malignant pleural effusion, tuberculosis, cirrhosis, ascites, precautions (1) The specimen to be inspected should be fully solidified and separated in time. (2) Because fibrinogen is contained in specimens such as pleural effusion and ascites, the same amount of thrombin (10 u/ml) is added before the test, and the mixture is incubated at 37 ° C for 30 min, centrifuged, and the supernatant is tested. Inspection process The puncture method takes the test specimen and immediately sends it for inspection. Slide test: Take 0.05ml of bacterial solution, 0.05ml of ascites, and mix it on the slide. Shake the slide for 2min at room temperature to observe the accumulation of bacteria. There were agglomerates who were positive and no aggregators who were negative. At the same time, 0.05 ml of physiological saline was used instead of serum as a control. Not suitable for the crowd Taboo population: normal healthy people should not do this check. Adverse reactions and risks 1. Infection: Pay attention to aseptic operation when puncture, pay attention to local cleaning after puncture, prevent water pollution and avoid infection. 2, bleeding: puncture needle damage to local blood vessels or tissue caused by local bleeding, should try to avoid puncture too deep.

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