effusion fibronectin

Fibronectin (FN) is mainly produced by fibroblasts and vascular epithelial cells, and is present on body fluids, connective tissues, and cell surfaces. It is an important substance for maintaining the integrity and defense functions of the body. The accuracy of distinguishing malignant ascites from cirrhosis and peritoneal effusion can reach 100%. If the FN of the peritoneal effusion exceeds 5 mg/L, it is highly suspected to be a malignant effusion. Basic Information Specialist classification: Oncology examination classification: chest and ascites examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Tips: Before consulting, ask the doctor to pay attention to what aspects, such as stop eating certain drugs. Normal value 5mg/L. Clinical significance Abnormal result FN has a great diagnostic value for cancerous ascites. The cancerous ascites FN is 173.9±65.9mg/L, the non-cancerous ascites is 13.4±6.8mg/L, and the ascites FN>75mg/L is highly suspected of cancerous ascites. Cells can synthesize and secrete FN. Precautions Before the examination: What aspects should be paid attention to in consultation with the doctor in advance, such as stopping the consumption of certain drugs. When checking: fasting test. Not suitable for the crowd: no. Inspection process Puncture collection of ascites effusion specimens immediately after the test, the detection method for fiber binding protein purification, quantification, activity detection and antibody preparation, there are two quantitative methods for FN determination: 1. rocket electrophoresis, 2. immunoturbidimetry. Not suitable for the crowd Not suitable for the crowd: people in need of testing have ascites, to identify whether it is cancerous ascites. Those without examination indications should not be tested. Adverse reactions and risks 1. Infection: Pay attention to aseptic operation when puncture, pay attention to local cleaning after puncture, prevent water pollution and avoid infection. 2, bleeding: puncture needle damage to local blood vessels or tissue caused by local bleeding, should try to avoid puncture too deep.

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