Acupuncture test
The acupuncture test is also called skin non-specific allergic reaction, that is, the red maculopapular rash of rice grain size begins to appear 12-48 hours after acupuncture, and then develops into blisters, pustules and scars, which resolves in about 1-2 weeks. The positive rate in Behcet's disease was 57.9%-70%, which was higher than that in the normal population and significantly higher in men than in women. Its diagnostic specificity is higher. There is a certain correlation with the disease activity. When the condition is heavy, the positive rate is high and the degree is heavy. The acupuncture test is a specific test for the detection of Behcet's disease. The procedure is as follows: use a 20-22-gauge sterile needle to slant into the middle of the forearm flexion for about 0.5 cm, and then squint in the longitudinal direction and then withdraw. 24- After 48 hours, localized appearance of 2 mm of folliculitis-like red dot or pustular-like change was positive. Basic Information Specialist classification: growth and development check classification: immunological examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: normal. Positive: There is a high probability of suffering from Behcet's disease. Tips: When the patient is too hungry, tired, and over-stressed, it is not advisable to take acupuncture immediately. Normal value The test result was negative. Clinical significance Abnormal results: When multiple needle acupuncture tests were performed at the same time, some positive results appeared, but some were negative. Acupuncture positive reactions often occur in patients undergoing venipuncture or intramuscular injections. The positive rate of venipuncture was higher than that of intradermal puncture. Acupuncture positive reactions often occur in patients undergoing venipuncture or intramuscular injections. The positive rate of venipuncture was higher than that of intradermal puncture. People in need of examination: Rheumatoid patients and Behcet's patients need to be examined. Positive results may be diseases: Pediatric Behcet's disease, Behcet's disease, genital herpes precautions Taboo before the examination: When the patient is too hungry, tired, and over-stressed, it is not advisable to perform acupuncture immediately. Requirements for inspection: Strict aseptic operation to prevent infection. A skin test must be done first, and a positive responder cannot be applied. Inspection process After disinfecting the skin, use a sterile intradermal needle to puncture the skin in the middle of the forearm flexion and then withdraw. After 48 hours, observe the skin reaction at the needle penetration. If there is red papule or accompanied by white herpes, it is considered as a positive result. At the same time, when a multi-site acupuncture experiment was performed, some positive results appeared, but some were negative. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate people: pregnant women and people with red papules or with white herpes. Adverse reactions and risks There are no related complications and hazards.
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