Li Fanta test
Li Fan's test is one of the most common and most commonly used methods for distinguishing between exudates and leaks. Clinically, it is generally used to identify whether pleural effusion and ascites are inflammation. A positive (+) means that the effusion is exudate, and a negative (-) means that the effusion is a leak. The serous effusion is divided into leakage liquid and exudate. The exudate contains a large amount of serous mucin. Lifan test is one of the most common and most common methods for distinguishing exudate and leakage. Basic Information Specialist classification: Respiratory examination classification: chest and ascites examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: Common in intravascular pressure, lymphatic obstruction and so on. Positive: Common in infectious, non-infectious factors, sometimes seen in malignant tumors. Tips: Taboo: poor rest, improper diet, excessive fatigue. Normal value A positive (+) indicates that the effusion is exudate, and a negative (-) indicates that the effusion is a leak. Clinical significance Positive and negative abnormalities have different symptoms. When positive, exudate is caused by inflammation, which is common in infectious and non-infectious factors, and sometimes in malignant tumors. Negative is that the leakage is non-inflammatory, and the basic cause is the decrease of plasma colloid osmotic pressure, increased intravascular pressure, and obstruction of lymphatic vessels. People in the population who need to be examined have serous effusions. Precautions Taboo before the examination: poor rest, improper diet, excessive fatigue. Requirements for inspection: Actively cooperate with the doctor's work. Inspection process The procedure was to charge 100 ml of distilled water in a 100 ml graduated cylinder and add 2 drops of glacial acetic acid to the surface of the water. Instill 1 to 2 drops of the pulp cavity puncture to see if there is any white cloud-like turbidity falling below the 50ml mark. If yes, it is positive. It is an indicator for identifying leaks and exudates. Most of the exudate is positive. Not suitable for the crowd The examination is less invasive and generally has no contraindications. Adverse reactions and risks 1, repeated pumping, easy to cause increased ascites, and the loss of a large amount of body fluid protein during the treatment process, the need for long-term input of protein to maintain the traditional Western medicine treatment, but also the depleted body worse, nausea, vomiting, pain, fever, white blood cell decline It is difficult for patients to bear, and it will seriously damage other organs of patients, which is more harmful than good. 2. Risk of infection: If you use an unclean needle, you may be at risk of infection.
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