Urine early pregnancy test

The main test substance for pregnancy testing is human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Healthy people do not contain or contain very small amounts of HCG (generally no more than 10 IU/L) in their urine. After pregnancy, the HCG content will continue to rise, about 25 IU / L by 7 to 8 days of pregnancy, about 50 IU / L by 10 days of pregnancy, up to 2 months can reach the peak of HCG, about 200 IU / L, after Gradually declined. In the pregnancy diagnostic reagents currently on the market, the minimum level of HCG in urine can be determined to be 25 IU/L, so that HCG can be detected in clinical pregnancy diagnosis, that is, pregnancy is considered. In recent years, commonly used urine pregnancy tests include latex agglutination, double antibody sandwich enzyme immunoassay, and immunogold sol spot filtration. Basic Information Specialist classification: maternity check check classification: urine / kidney function test Applicable gender: whether women are fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: Not pregnant. Positive: pregnancy. Tips: The urine container should be clean and the urine drop tube should be used once. When the liquid is dripped, the urine should be completely infiltrated into the membrane before it can be dripped, otherwise accurate results cannot be obtained. After the measurement is completed, the reagent should be returned to the refrigerator at 4 to 8 °C. The assay cartridge should be sealed and stored. Before dropping, the vial should be turned upside down to evenly mix. Normal value A ribbon appears on the upper and lower ends of the positive test strip, indicating pregnancy. Negative only appeared a purple band on the top of the test strip and no ribbon on the lower end, indicating that it was not pregnant. Invalid no color band appears. The test strip has failed. Clinical significance Abnormal result The examination of HCG is of great significance for the diagnosis of early pregnancy, and has certain value for the diagnosis, identification and course observation of pregnancy-related diseases and trophoblastic tumors. 1, the diagnosis of early pregnancy sensitive methods can be positive in 2 to 6 days of conception. Urinary HCG is often higher than a single pregnancy in multiple pregnancies. 2. Judgment of abnormal pregnancy and placental function (1) ectopic pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancy, this test only 60% positive rate, after 3 days of uterine bleeding, HCG can still be positive, so HCG examination can be used as identification with other acute abdomen, HCG often 312 ~ 625U /L. (2) Diagnosis and treatment of abortion Incomplete abortion, such as residual placental tissue in the uterus, HCG test can still be positive; HCG from positive abortion or stillbirth to positive negative, so it can be used as a reference for the treatment of abortion or inhalation. (3) threatened abortion, such as urine HCG still maintain high levels and will not occur abortion, such as HCG below 2500U / L, and gradually decline, there is the possibility of miscarriage or stillbirth. When it drops to 600U/L, it is inevitable to abort. In the treatment of miscarriage, such as HCG continues to decline, indicating that the miscarriage is invalid, such as HCG continues to rise, indicating that the fetus is successful. Serum HCG should be less than 1000 U/L at 4 days postpartum or 13 days after abortion, serum HCG should return to normal after 9 days postpartum or 25 days after abortion. If this is not the case, you should consider the possibility of anomalies. 3, trophoblastic tumor diagnosis and treatment monitoring in the hydatidiform mole, malignant mole, chorionic epithelial cancer and testicular teratoma and other patients with elevated HCG, up to 100,000 to several million U / L. Male HCG is elevated in urine, and testicular tumors such as spermatogonia, malformations, and ectopic HCG tumors should be considered. In patients with trophoblastic tumors, urinary HCG should be <50 U/L at 3 weeks after operation, and negative at 8 to 12 weeks. If HCG does not decrease or does not turn negative, it may indicate residual disease. Such cases are often recurring, so regular examination is required. . 4, other menopause, ovulation and bilateral oophorectomy can increase luteinizing hormone (LH), because the composition of LH and HCG alpha peptide chain is the same, so the pregnancy test with anti-HCG antibody is positive, at this time available beta - Identification of HCG by a monoclonal two-point enzyme immunoassay. Endocrine diseases such as pituitary disease, hyperthyroidism, gynecological diseases such as ovarian cysts, uterine cancer and other HCG can also be increased. In recent years, it has been found that malignant tumors such as teratoma, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, etc., and HCG in blood can also be elevated, so HCG is regarded as one of cancer markers. However, it is necessary to combine the clinical situation and other test results to comprehensively analyze and judge. The crowd who needs to be examined suspects the pregnant. This method is sensitive to the detection of pregnancy for women who have been menopausal for 30 days. It is suitable for early pregnancy diagnosis and ectopic pregnancy diagnosis. Positive results may be diseases: early pregnancy, early pregnancy reaction considerations Check attention: When measured by this method, the urine container should be clean and free from other urine. The urine drop tube is used once. When the liquid is dripped, the urine should be completely infiltrated into the membrane to add the gold sol antibody solution, otherwise accurate results cannot be obtained. After the measurement is completed, the reagent should be returned to the refrigerator at 4 to 8 ° C. Do not allow the reagent to freeze. The assay cartridge should be sealed and stored. Before dropping the gold standard antibody solution, the vial should be turned upside down to evenly mix the internal liquid. Inspection process Inspection method: urine test. Not suitable for the crowd no. Adverse reactions and risks no.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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