Premature beat

Pre-contract contraction is the contraction before expiration, also known as extra-contract contraction. According to the site of their pacing points, they can be divided into atrial atrioventricular junction (junction) and ventricle. Among them, ventricle is the most, followed by atrial, and the junction is rare. Ventricular premature contraction refers to the premature ventricular agitation caused by the pacing points below the branch of the His bundle. Ectopic pacing caused by early excitement. Its mechanism is less common than pre-ventricular contraction. It is related to reentry excitement, increased ectopic pacing point autonomy, and triggering excitement. Atrioventricular junction zone premenstrual contraction is referred to as junction zone premenstrual contraction, due to the special conduction tissue around the AV node Caused by abnormal early pacing and the atrioventricular node itself has no pacing function. The regional preconstriction can be smoothly transmitted to the ventricle and retrogradely to the atrium. Occasionally, it can be hidden without conducting in any direction.

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