Intracranial tumors in children

Intracranial tumors are one of the more common tumors in childhood. Because there are many malignant tumors in children and the location of benign tumors is at stake, resection is difficult, so they often endanger children's lives. Its incidence rate is the second highest among children under 15 years of age. The incidence of intracranial tumors is mainly in 2 age groups, the first peak is within 10 years of age, and the incidence rate is 2.2 / 100,000 to 2.5 / 100,000 per year, with men slightly more than women (1.1: 1). The second peak starts at the age of 30 to 40, and reaches the peak at the age of 60 and above. This stage is the best time for tumors. The location of intracranial tumors in children is different from that in adults, 40% to 60% occur under the curtain, and the tumors of embryonic residual tissue are the main types, and gliomas are relatively rare. The majority of adults occur on the scene, mainly gliomas.

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