Sphenoid ridge meningiomas

Sphenoid ridge meningiomas are meningiomas originating from the large and small wings of the sphenoid bone. It protrudes from the front bed inward and reaches the wings. In his early years, Cushing divided the sphenoid ridge meningiomas into three parts: inner, middle, and outer. In recent years, Watts has proposed to simplify this traditional positioning classification method into two types, namely the inside type and the outside type. Most tumors are spherical and can grow in all directions. Sphenoid ridge meningiomas can grow to the temporal, frontal and frontotemporal junction. Medial tumors can originate from the anterior bed process and invade into the orbit or supraorbital fissure. There are also rare tumors that grow forward to the base of the skull socket, causing corresponding clinical manifestations. Lateral sphenoid ridge meningiomas do not show symptoms early.

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