Ectopic prostate

Lowley (1929) first reported prostate ectopic, and proposed that prostate tissue that occurs outside the normal part of the prostate is called prostate ectopic. Prostate ectopic can appear in different parts, such as the bladder triangle, the bladder neck, the bladder wall muscle layer, the penis root, the end of the residual umbilical ureter, the urethra of the prostate, Zhang Zhengwu, etc. report huge pelvic prostate ectopic (weight 400g) Zhang Dingjin et al. Reported a case of foreskin prostate ectopic, which is rare. The prostate in the bladder is often misdiagnosed as a bladder tumor. The prostate ectopic in the urethra of the prostate often appears in the form of "urethral polyps."

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