Tourette syndrome in children

Tourette Syndrome is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder, also known as multiple tics. The disease was first described by Itard in 1825. In 1885, French doctor Gilles de la Tourette reported 9 cases and described them in detail. Therefore, the disease was named Tourette syndrome. This disease is a neuropsychiatric disorder that develops in children and adolescents and is characterized by multiple motor tics with vocal tics. It can be accompanied by many behavioral problems, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sleep disorder, and emotional disorder, which increase the severity and complexity of the disease and also bring certain difficulties to treatment. Polytic disorder is a type of tic disorders, the etiology and pathogenesis of which is not yet clear. It can interfere and damage children's cognitive function and development to varying degrees, and affect social adaptability.

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