Mad Cow Disease

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a common type of transmissible central nervous system degenerative disease. It is a cavernous encephalopathy in humans, and nvCJD may be a new type of zoonotic infection. Disease, commonly known as mad cow disease (MCD). But it is by no means contagious. Sporadic CJD can be transmitted to others through certain tests. At present, a considerable number of people believe that CJD may be a new zoonotic infectious disease. The disease mostly develops after middle age, with progressive dementia, myoclonus, pyramidal tract or extrapyramidal injury symptoms as the main clinical manifestations, and death from months to 1 year. Pathological changes mainly include cavernous degeneration of the brain, shedding of nerve cells, and astrocyte proliferation. It exists widely in countries around the world.

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