Congenital pulmonary cyst

Congenital pulmonary cyst is a congenital malformation of the lungs that is not uncommon in children and can also be seen in newborns. Its pathological classification and nomenclature are confusing, and opinions are different. In the past, they were collectively referred to as congenital pulmonary cysts. Now they are more commonly referred to as congenital pulmonary cystic diseases, including bronchogenic cysts (pulmonary cysts), alveolar cysts, and lobar air Swelling (bulous bullae), cystic adenoma-like deformities, and congenital cystic bronchiectasis. There is no gender difference in the incidence of this disease. The clinical manifestations of this disease can be very different. Small cysts can be asymptomatic and are only found on X-ray examination. Larger cysts show symptoms when secondary infections or swelling compress the surrounding tissue. This disease should be treated with surgery, and the effect is good.

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