
Astrocyte tumors are tumors composed of astrocytes, and are the most common neuroepithelial tumors. Divided into Ⅰ ~ Ⅳ grade. Grade Ⅰ, in adults, mostly infiltrate and grow in the white matter of the brain, and are divided into two types: pure type and fibrous type. Grade Ⅱ belongs to poorly differentiated astrocytoma, or astrocytoma. The progression of these two types is slower. Astrocytoma grade III to IV is glioblastoma multiforme, which has a high degree of malignancy and is common after middle age. Astrocytomas can occur in any part of the central nervous system. Generally adults are more common in the brain, and children are more common under the scene. There are reports of 3/4 on the screen and 1/4 on the screen. Occurring on the scene are more common in the frontal and temporal lobes, followed by the parietal lobes, and the occipital lobes are rare. Tumors can involve more than two brain lobes. It can also be found near the optic nerve, thalamus, and third ventricle, while those under the curtain are mostly located in the cerebellar hemisphere and the fourth ventricle, and can also be found in the cerebellar vermis and brain stem.

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