
is an acute disease characterized by paroxysmal, or persistent, patient's conscious beating. Even more frightened, the hair is enthusiastic and cannot be autonomous. Regarding the acupuncture treatment of this card, it was first seen in the inscription "Yin Yang Eleven Vein Moxibustion Sutra" unearthed from Ma Wangdui Han Tomb. "Lingshu" mentioned that Zusanli and other acupoints can cure "heart sorrow"; the attending of 19 acupoints such as those listed in "Acupuncture A and B Classic" involves this card; Song "Acupuncture and Zijing" advocates Baihui moxibustion Treatment, Ming "Acupuncture and Moxibustion" emphasizes the treatment of this disease by the Neiguan, Gongsun and other Bamai Jiaohui points. Various types of severe arrhythmia in modern medicine are similar to this card.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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