Keratoconjunctivitis sicca

In addition to the lack of primary tear secretion, dry keratitis can also be found in the following situations: 1. Chronic diseases such as endocrine diseases, anemia, and vitamin deficiency. 2. Acute diseases such as acute exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Jonhnson's syndrome, ocular pemphigus. 3. Trauma and surgery of the eyelid and conjunctiva may damage most of the basal and reverse secretory ducts. Primary insufficiency of tear secretion is commonly referred to clinically as the syndrome. There are two types of broad and narrow sense. The so-called generalized syndrome (SJS) refers to the combination of other systemic and immune-related diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis) in addition to dry mouth and eyes. Keratitis sicca (KCS for short).

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