
Degeneration is a series of morphological changes in cells or interstitial tissues accompanied by structural and functional changes (decreased function), which is manifested by the occurrence of non-physiological substances or excessive accumulation of physiological substances in or in the interstitial cells. However, the degeneration that we usually come into contact with in our lives usually has a third meaning: that is, susceptibility, which can change the human reproductive organs through surgical methods, remove male genital organs and transplant female genital organs, or remove female genital organs and transplant male genitals organ. People who generally want to degenerate (transgenicity) often suffer from transgenic disease. Transexuals are serious sexual reversal diseases. Patients usually germinate at the age of 3, and their puberty is reversible. They continue to feel the contradiction or inconsistency between their biological gender and psychological gender. They are convinced that they are another People of both sexes strongly demand that their sexual anatomy be changed. To this end, transsexual surgery is required to achieve conviction. When the transsexual requirements are not met, they often suffer from internal conflicts and even cause self-harm and self-esteem.

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