Lung hamartoma

Pulmonary hamartoma refers to a tumor-like malformation that includes all the normal tissue components of the lung, but has an abnormal number of components, an abnormal arrangement, or an abnormal degree of differentiation. Pulmonary hamartomas are not real tumors (some researchers also claim that they are real tumors), but abnormal development of the embryonic lobes, originating from normal tissues in the lung, mainly cartilage, fibrous connectives, and fatty tissues. Because its nature and imaging characteristics are similar to benign tumors, they are classified as benign tumors. According to its composition, it is divided into cartilage type and fiber type. It is divided into central type and peripheral type according to the part. Occurred in the trachea, leaf bronchus mucosa is called the central type. Peripheral types that occur in the lungs are mostly located below the pleura.

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