
Thallium refers to the folkly called "cricket neck" or "mouse sore", which is called "chest" by Chinese medicine, and western medicine calls it cervical lymph node tuberculosis. The name "瘰 疬" began to appear in the Lingshu · Hot and Cold chapter of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic more than two thousand years ago: "The cold and hot lie in the neck axillary ..." Nuclei of various sizes can be found between the skin and the neck. The small one is 瘰, and the big one is 疬, because it is connected with each other and is continuous like a bead, so it is called 瘰 疬. The characteristics of this disease are as beans at first, without increasing pain, gradually increasing, like bead-like, the skin color turns dark red when pus becomes, and the pus is thin after ulceration, often breaking apart, forming sinus, like mice hole. Treatment is tricky. In the old society, there were "ten deaths and nine deaths". With the continuous advancement of medicine, the disease is no longer terrible. The Department of Pediatrics is a specialty that specializes in the treatment of such diseases, and uses the word "瘰 疬" as the name of the department. What Chinese medicine calls "瘰 疬" and folk called "mouse sores" both refer to lymphatic tuberculosis. Lymphatic tuberculosis is most common in the neck, and cervical tuberculosis can also be combined with lymphatic tuberculosis of the mediastinal hilum, axillary, and groin.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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