Acute appendicitis in children

Acute appendicitis is the most common acute abdomen in children. The younger the age of appendicitis in children, the less typical the symptoms are. Perforation, necrosis, and diffuse peritonitis occur within a short period of time. If the diagnosis and treatment are not timely, it will bring serious complications and even death, so it should be paid attention to. So far, the misdiagnosis rate of infants and young children with acute appendicitis has been reported to be 35% to 50%, and the newborns are more than 90%. The resulting perforation rate is 33% to 52%, and the rate of non-inflammatory resection of the appendix is ​​10% to 30%. Postoperative complications are as high as 10% to 20%, and the mortality rate is still above 0.01%.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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