Fever in children

Pediatric fever means when the child has fever, the temperature is about 39.1 ~ 41 ℃. Fever longer than two weeks is long-term fever. Normal body temperature in children is usually measured by anal temperature of 36.5 ~ 37.5 ℃ and axillary temperature of 36 ~ 37 ℃. Under normal circumstances, the axillary temperature is 0.2 to 0.5 ° C lower than the mouth temperature (under the tongue), and the anal temperature is about 0.5 ° C higher than the axillary temperature. If the axillary temperature exceeds 37.4 ° C, and the body temperature fluctuates more than 1 ° C during the day, fever can be considered. The so-called low fever refers to axillary temperature of 37.5 ° C to 38 ° C, moderate heat of 38.1 to 39 ° C, high fever of 39.1 to 40 ° C, and ultrahigh fever of 41 ° C or higher.

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