Trigeminal nerve microvascular decompression
Trigeminal nerve microvascular decompression is the preferred surgical method for primary trigeminal neuralgia, and it is currently the only operation that can cure trigeminal neuralgia. Under the general anesthesia, a 4 cm incision is made along the hairline behind the affected ear. The skin and muscles are exposed to reveal the root of the mastoid. The diameter of the bone window is 3 cm. The dura mater is cut and the cerebrospinal fluid is aspirated under the microscope. For the nerve root, find the responsible blood vessel (which can be one or more) that compresses the trigeminal nerve root. The common cerebellar artery and its branches are common (such as rock vein compression for rock vein compression). After the microdissected cells free the responsible blood vessels, they are cushioned with a tefflon surface. The surgical trauma is small and the prognosis is good.
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