Laminar fusion
1. Due to joint trauma, inflammation, degenerative changes, etc., the corresponding articular surface is disproportionate, causing severe joint dysfunction, or stubborn joint pain, which affects work and life. It is not effective after non-surgical treatment, and it is not suitable for other operations. To preserve joint mobility, joint fusion should be performed. For example, severely injured arthritis caused by intra-articular fractures of the lower extremities, and a large amount of scars in the surrounding soft tissue after septic arthritis, it is not suitable for arthroplasty and other operations. 2. Adults with full joint tuberculosis and articular surface destruction, it is estimated that joint function cannot be preserved, and joint fusion can be performed at the same time when the lesion is cleared; and deformities can be corrected at the same time. 3. Muscle paralysis due to neuropathy or injury, causing severe joint instability, affecting the function of the entire limb, and simple tendon transfer is not sufficient to maintain joint stability and restore sufficient effective functions. Those who fix local joints can improve limb function. Perform joint fusion. If deltoid muscles are paralyzed after poliomyelitis of the spinal cord, the upper limbs cannot be lifted. If the shoulder joint is fixed in a functional position, the function of the upper limbs can be improved by sliding between the shoulder blades and the chest. 4. Congenital or acquired spinal deformity (such as hemivertebra, scoliosis, lumbar spondylolisthesis, etc.), in order to prevent the development of deformity, laminectomy can be performed at an early stage, or after the deformity is corrected.
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