Calf amputation
1. The primary malignant tumor of the limb should be amputated at a high level early. Early in the course of the disease, the lesions are limited to the bone, and those without long-distance metastasis may consider resection of the tumor and replantation of the distal limb. 2. Severe limb infection (such as uncontrollable gas gangrene), or severe sepsis complicated by pyogenic infections that cannot be controlled by drugs and general surgery, which threaten the patient's life. Those who are not amputated are not enough to save lives. 3. If the limb is severely and extensively damaged and cannot be repaired or replanted, amputation should be performed immediately. 4. due to arterial thrombosis, thrombo-occlusive vasculitis, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc. due to insufficient blood supply to the limbs, who have obvious necrosis, should be amputated. 5. Congenital multi-finger (toe), which can be truncated. 6. Severe deformity of the limb affects the function, but the orthopaedic operation can not improve the function. If the amputation can be improved after the amputation, the amputation can be considered.
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