
Lymphopenia refers to the total number of lymphocytes in adults 1000 / mu; l, and children (under 2 years) 3000 / mu; l. Normal adult lymphocyte count is 1000 ~ 4800 / mu; l, children (under 2 years old) 3000 ~ 9500 / mu; l. The normal low value at 6 years old is 1500 / mu; l. About 65% of peripheral blood T cells are CD4 + (helper) T cells. In most patients with lymphopenia, the absolute number of T cells is reduced, especially the number of CD4 + cells. The average CD4 + T cells in adult peripheral blood is 1100 / mu; l (300 ~ 1300 / mu; l), and the absolute number of CD8 + (suppressive) T cells of other major T cell subsets is 600 / mu; l (100 ~ 900 / mu; l).

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