Shock-like pain
Introduction Mainly due to mechanical damage and compression caused by mechanical and / or chemical stimulation, resulting in electric shock like severe pain, common in trigeminal neuralgia, pain time is generally 1-2 minutes. Can also be seen in lumbar disc herniation. Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe pain that occurs in the area of the facial trigeminal nerve, such as discharge, painful symptoms of knife-like lesions, and neurological diseases that are unbearable to ordinary people.
Mainly due to mechanical damage and compression caused by mechanical and / or chemical stimulation, resulting in electric shock like severe pain, common in trigeminal neuralgia, pain time is generally 1-2 minutes. Can also be seen in lumbar disc herniation. Acute shock or severe pain due to nerve damage or compression caused by mechanical and/or chemical stimuli. And the possibility of trauma, chemical stimulation and other reasons.
an examination
Related inspection
CT examination of bone and joint and soft tissue CT examination of brain
Mainly due to mechanical damage and compression caused by mechanical and / or chemical stimulation, resulting in electric shock like severe pain, common in trigeminal neuralgia, pain time is generally 1-2 minutes. Can also be seen in lumbar disc herniation.
1. History: The patient has been mechanically and/or chemically irritated.
2. Produce electric shock like severe pain.
According to the above two points, you can diagnose.
Differential diagnosis
It should be differentiated from the lightning pain in the buttocks. Are you an office worker, have you had a lightning pain in your hips, and suddenly feel a sharp pain in one side of your hips, and even the legs and feet on the same side are numb, and then the pain slowly disappears. Probably due to pain caused by sciatic nerve injury. In addition, the severe shock caused by different parts should also be identified.
The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.