Cervical congestion


Introduction Cervical congestion may be caused by sexual stimulation, acute cervical inflammation, etc. If this happens to women, it is recommended to go to the hospital to do the relevant examination as soon as possible, and after taking specific reasons, take timely measures for treatment. Cervical congestion is one of the clinical symptoms of acute cervicitis. Cervical erosion is a kind of chronic cervicitis. Patients should pay attention to the timely treatment of cervicitis, avoid the symptoms of cervical erosion, and avoid spicy and irritating foods.



1. Cervical leukoplakia: Cervical leukoplakia is a white opaque patchy lesion that appears in the cervicovaginal area. Simple cervical leukoplakia often has no obvious symptoms. If there is cervical erosion or cervical canal valgus, there will be an increase in vaginal discharge, or occasional vaginal blood secretions and contact bleeding.

2, cervical cancer: uterine cancer is one of the common cancers of the human body, contact bleeding may be one of the early symptoms of uterine cancer, often bleeding after sexual intercourse or vaginal examination; vaginal bleeding is extremely irregular, generally less first There are a lot of time, but there are also a large number of individual patients with initial bleeding, often caused by rupture of small arteries. Sometimes vaginal bleeding can also occur after forced bowel movements.

3, cervical erosion: due to the chronic inflammation of the cervix, there are more purulent discharges, impregnating the outer epithelium of the cervix, causing it to lose vitality and form shedding and ulceration, which becomes the periphery of the external cervix often seen in clinical clinics. Fine particles with a glossy red area.

4, cervical valgus: the cervix tears during childbirth, induction of labor, abortion, if not repaired in time, the scar tissue contracted in the future, so that the cervix valgus. If the infection is combined, chronic cervicitis is formed, and the leucorrhea is purulent and has contact bleeding.

5, cervical polyps: inflammation is the formation factor of polyps. The polyps derived from the mucosa of the uterine canal are soft, bright red, and are vulnerable to bleeding from polyps. They can be found during gynecological examinations. Larger polyps can cause increased vaginal discharge, bloody vaginal discharge or contact bleeding, especially after sexual activity or stool exertion. These symptoms are similar to early cervical cancer.


an examination

Related inspection

Cervical gynecological routine examination of gynecological inflammation examination

1, gynecological examination.

2, cervical examination.


Differential diagnosis

Cervical congestion is mainly manifested in cervical congestion, edema, cervical mucosal eversion, and a large amount of purulent discharge in the cervical canal. Pathological sections showed extensive polymorphonuclear leukocytes and lymphocytes infiltration in the mucosa and interstitial. Inflammation can also cause epithelial detachment through the epithelium involving the lumen of the gland, and the lumen is dilated and filled with a large amount of purulent secretions.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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