

Introduction Depression is a common mood disorder, which can be caused by various reasons. The main and clinical features are characterized by significant and persistent low mood, and the mood is not commensurate with its situation. In severe cases, suicidal thoughts and behaviors can occur. Most cases have a tendency to recurrent, most of which can be relieved, and some may have residual symptoms or become chronic.



Common causes of depression: 65% of depressed patients whose depression is a consequence of physical illness, such as various cancers, cerebrovascular accidents, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.; 35% of patients with depression are Before the physical illness, that is, the stress of life events, such as the death of a loved one, psychological frustration, and too much work pressure, can lead to depression. Depression is a disease, not a shortcoming or personality defect. Through depression, psychotherapy and appropriate antidepressant treatment, depression can mostly recover. It should be noted that depression is different from depression.


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The common manifestation of depression is characterized by low mood, which is characterized by sullenness or grief for at least 2 weeks, in addition to 4 of the following symptoms:

(1) Loss of interest in daily life, no sense of pleasure;

(2), the energy is obviously reduced, and there is no reason for continuous fatigue;

(3) Self-confidence decline or inferiority, or guilty feelings;

(4) Insomnia, early waking or excessive sleep;

(5), loss of appetite, significantly reduced weight;

(6) The concept or behavior of suicide or suicide;

(7), sexual desire is significantly reduced;

(8) Difficulties or declines in concentration;

(9), Lenovo is difficult, and the ability to think consciously drops significantly.

Depressed moods have large fluctuations throughout the day, often the heaviest in the morning, then gradually reduce, to the lightest at night.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis

Single episode of depression: Also known as a single episode of major depressive disorder, it refers to only one episode, no manic symptoms, mixed depression symptoms, and mild mania symptoms. The first time suffering from depression and compounding the above symptoms is also called single-episode depression, because it is unknown whether the patient will develop the disease in the future, and if it is re-occurring, it is called recurrent depression. Most patients have reduced mental activity, slow thinking, slow response, low whispers, inhibition of will activities, indifference to the surrounding environment, decreased ability to work and study, worry all day long, lack of happiness, pessimism and pessimism.

Menopausal depression is most common in women. It is reported that women enter menopause, and about 46% of them suffer from this disease, which is significantly higher than other age groups. Clinical symptoms are the main manifestations: loss of appetite, upper abdominal discomfort, dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, palpitations, blood pressure changes, pulse increase or slowness, chest tightness, numbness of the limbs, chills, fever, loss of libido, menstrual changes and sleep disorders , dizziness, fatigue, etc.

Depressive neurosis, also known as neuropathic depression, is caused by psychosocial factors and is often related to the patient's personality deviation; it is a neurotic disorder characterized by persistent low mood; often accompanied by anxiety and physical discomfort And sleep disorders. The patient has treatment requirements, but there is no obvious motor inhibition or hallucinations, delusions, and life work is not seriously affected.

Postparturm depression (PPD) is a psychological disorder characterized by a series of symptoms such as depression, sadness, depression, crying, irritability, irritability, and even suicidal or infantile tendency after childbirth. The most common type of levy. It usually occurs 2 weeks after birth, and its cause is unknown, which may be related to genetic, psychological, childbirth and social factors.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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