Lightening or paleness of the conjunctiva
Introduction Lightening or paleening of the conjunctiva means that when the anemia is different, the color of the conjunctiva becomes lighter or paler.
Caused by varying degrees of anemia.
an examination
Related inspection
Ophthalmic examination ophthalmoscopy
The conjunctiva is a soft, smooth, transparent film that is applied to the inner surface of the eyelid and the surface of the eye. In normal living organisms, the conjunctiva is rosy and its deep capillaries can be observed through it.
Differential diagnosis
The sputum conjunctiva appears as an off-white membrane: the appearance of an off-white film on the palpebral conjunctiva can be seen in various types of conjunctivitis, usually caused by infectious factors. Due to leakage, hemorrhagic neovascularization, and finally scar formation, the formation of permanent mechanized membrane keratoconjunctivitis: keratoconjunctivitis is commonly known as "dry eye" is an inflammation of the conjunctiva cornea can not be wet. This disease may be the absence of water or mucus components in the tears.
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