Children's bedwetting
Introduction Bedwetting refers to urinating in the air, and wakes up, so it is also called enuresis. Mostly the disease of children aged 3-12. The cause of the disease is functional and organic. The former is related to heredity and occurs in neurotic children, which are a symptom of certain diseases. Brain dysfunction caused by congenital brain hypoplasia or acquired factors, or due to the reflex arc of the spinal cord, or due to stimulation of the urinary system and surrounding tissue, may result in bedwetting. Before the age of 3, due to the imperfect development of the central urinary function, reflex urination occurred at this time, it is not the disease.
1, bedwetting and neuromodulation system - the cerebral cortex, brain stem and spinal cord primary urination center and innervation of the bladder, urethra, ventral nerve, pelvic nerve, phrenic nerve. Due to delayed functional development of the brain and brainstem, weak control of the primary urinary center of the spinal cord or disorders of the spinal cord and various nerve conduction pathways, the bladder and urethra control is lost and enuresis.
2, bedwetting and bladder - due to delayed development of bladder function, can not safely exercise self-control ability and there is no inhibition of contraction in the storage period, resulting in small bladder capacity, high sensitivity, poor compliance, bladder filling and systolic sensing ability Not high, the stimulation intensity of the cerebral cortex is lower than the sleep arousal threshold, the bladder baroreceptor function is abnormal, and it is impossible to provide early warning information, so that it does not wake up first.
3, bedwetting and urethra - urinary tract closure function, that is, unstable urethra caused enuresis, urethral malformation such as congenital stenosis.
an examination
Related inspection
Urine routine urine sediment
Most children's bedwetting is related to mental factors, health habits, and environmental factors. Sleep is very deep, can not wake up in time to urinate some children have not been urinary training, such as long-term use of diapers, parents do not wake up the child at night, hold the child to the toilet to pee, and even some parents help them urinate while the child is lying in bed, causing the child The habit of urinating during sleep.
Differential diagnosis
The diagnosis should be differentiated from the following symptoms:
1. Habitual diapers: Habitual diapers are the main manifestations of children with defecation. Children's defecation is a disease caused by non-physiological factors that cannot be defecate according to the occasion after 3-4 years old. Therefore, children with defecation are heart disease, that is, mental illness.
2. Neurogenic urinary frequency: refers to non-infectious urinary frequency urgency, is an independent disease of pediatrics, the age of children is generally 2 to 11 years old, mostly occurs in preschool children, the incidence of urinary frequency, every 2 to 10 minutes Children with urgency, one can not endure for a while, the smaller children often wet the pants for this, can be secondary to urinary tract infection or genital eczema.
3. Children's enuresis: refers to children involuntarily urinating when they are asleep, generally only 20% have enuresis when they are 4 years old, 5% have enuresis when 10 years old, and a few patients continue to adulthood. Those with no obvious urinary tract or neurological organic lesions are called primary enuresis, accounting for 70% to 80%.
The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.