corpse donation liver extraction

Orthotopic liver transplantation can be divided into whole body liver transplantation and partial donor liver transplantation. The total liver transplantation for cadaveric liver transplantation is low, and the incidence of rejection after transplantation is high. It has gradually changed to living transplantation, and cadaver donation is a part of liver transplantation. Treatment of diseases: fulminant hepatic failure of liver cancer Indication Patients with liver failure. Contraindications 1. A malignant neoplasm other than the liver. 2. Severe infection of important organs other than the hepatobiliary system. 3. Systemic diseases, such as congenital cardiovascular disease, renal insufficiency, etc. 4. Portal vein thrombosis. Preoperative preparation Antibiotics are routinely used before surgery. Surgical procedure 1 The donor takes the supine position, disinfects the drape, takes the upper abdomen big cross incision, up to the xiphoid, down to the pubic symphysis, left and right to the posterior line. Check the donor liver quality first after laparotomy. 2 Check for abnormal hepatic artery, and ligature and spleen artery, left gastric artery, right gastric artery and gastroduodenal artery. 3 Cut the common bile duct on the upper edge of the pancreas and wash the biliary tract. 4 dissection of the mesenteric or inferior mesenteric vein and its branches and cannulation. 5 free ligaments around the liver, showing the upper hepatic and inferior vena cava. 6 The anterior wall of the abdominal aorta was opened and cannulated. The mesenteric vein and the abdominal aorta were simultaneously perfused, and the inferior vena cava was drained. 7 After the liver is cooled, it is free. The celiac trunk is cut from the beginning of the abdominal aorta. The portal vein is cut off near the splenic vein and the superior mesenteric vein. The liver is partially excised with the diaphragm and the right adrenal gland. 8 Cut the bottom of the gallbladder and flush the biliary tract with UW solution. 9 Place the organ in a container filled with 4° CUW solution. complication 1. Pulmonary complications. 2. Liver failure. 3. Intra-abdominal bleeding. 4. Vascular occlusion. 5. Bleeding. 6. Rejection reaction. 7. Infection. 8. Renal insufficiency.

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