Puncture and drainage of liver abscess and drainage with puncture catheter

Liver abscess puncture drainage and puncture drainage for surgical treatment of liver abscess. Liver abscess mainly includes two types of bacterial liver abscess and amoebic liver abscess. Bacterial liver abscess often presents multiple small abscesses, and multiple fusions are larger abscesses. And amoebic liver abscess is mostly single. The treatment principle of liver abscess is mainly drug treatment and lesion drainage. The drainage of the lesion should be selected according to the different periods and types of the abscess. Treatment of diseases: liver abscess Indication 1. A single or multiple abscess that has been liquefied, 3 cm in diameter. 2. Simple anti-infection or severe symptoms of poisoning. 3. No peritonitis or other diseases requiring surgery. 4. Old and frail, critically ill patients can not tolerate surgery. 5. Diagnostic puncture to understand the type of liver abscess, bacteriology, and treatment options. Preoperative preparation Check coagulation function: injection of vitamin K; anti-infective or anti-amebic treatment; active systemic supportive treatment. Surgical procedure 1. Select the puncture point: Under the guidance of B-ultrasound, determine the direct path between the body surface and the abscess to avoid other organs in the abdominal cavity. 2. After local anesthesia at the puncture site, first puncture with a fine needle, after aspirating the pus, send the specimen to culture and microscopic examination, then replace the 14th rough puncture needle as much as possible, and rinse repeatedly with saline. Inject antibiotics. 3. If the abscess is large, the incision about 1cm long can be cut first, then the trocar is inserted into the abscess, a porous drainage tube is placed into the abscess through the outer cannula, and after the cannula is pulled out, The suture is used to fix the drainage tube to the skin, and the tube is terminated with a sterile drainage bottle for flushing drainage. 4. When the pus is thick or there are more necrotic tissue fragments in the abscess, it should be washed repeatedly.

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