Island root pedicle flap transplantation

A small flap (island flap) is designed at the distal end of the superficial artery to directly connect the artery to the flap, called the island root pedicle flap graft. Treating diseases: scars Indication 1. Skin defects can not be directly sutured, or in the face and joints, reluctant suture affects function and shape; 2. Scar contracture affects function and shape: 3. When the wound has tendon, nerve, large blood vessel or bone surface exposed; Preoperative preparation In addition to systemic preparation before surgery, it is important to prepare the technology and equipment. Including small blood vessel anastomosis technical training, surgical microscope surgical instruments, etc., followed by preparation of the transplant site, there are two cases of transplant site, one is sterile wound (ie surgical wound), the other is fresh wound, in the latter When transplanting free flaps, it is necessary to consider the time, extent and complexity of wound tissue damage. If you are not sure, do not force this operation. Surgical procedure The flap was cut at the time of surgery and peeled off together with the connected artery. When the flap is transferred to the defect site, the artery is still connected to the flap to ensure blood supply. Such flaps are often used for the repair of facial defects and eyebrow reconstruction. Since the 70th generation, island flaps that drive, vein (or nerve) have been widely used in various parts of the body, with special emphasis on retaining reflux veins. The island flap with simple arteries has been used less than eyebrow reconstruction.

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