Habitual constipation


Introduction to habitual constipation Habitual constipation refers to long-term, chronic functional constipation, which occurs mostly in the elderly. However, some scholars believe that habitual constipation is not limited to functional constipation. It also includes colon constipation and rectal constipation. Therefore, people with habitual constipation should go to the hospital early to find out the cause of constipation. Habitual constipation is mainly caused by changes in life, diet and bowel habits, as well as psychological factors. If the treatment is not correct, the treatment effect is often poor. Drug treatment is only a temporary move. Long-term dependence on laxatives will only gradually increase the degree of constipation. Life adjustment is the fundamental treatment. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 10% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: constipation


Habitual constipation cause

Poor diet (25%):

If the rice noodles are too fine, the food intake is too small, and the vegetables, fruits, and foods containing crude fiber, especially non-digestible fiber, are too small, the oil is too scarce, and the drinking water is insufficient. Fruit is a juicy and sweet plant fruit that is not only rich in nutrients but also helps digestion. Fruit is a general term for the fruits and seeds of some edible plants.

Poor bowel habits (25%):

If you have a willingness, you should not defecate in time to suppress your intentions. I am used to reading books during bowel movements and do not actively defecate. Reliance on laxatives or laxatives reduces the sensitivity of bowel excretion.

Living habits (20%):

Life is irregular, daily bowel movements are not regular, sleep is not enough or can not afford to sleep for a long time. Long-distance travel or busy work (such as a stewardess) does not develop a regular bowel habit.

Body factor (20%):

Old people with debilitating defecation and weakness, multiple pregnancy, full body strength, weak muscles, abdominal muscles, intestinal wall smooth muscle, etc., can cause difficulty in defecation.


Habitual constipation prevention

1, the diet must have the right amount of cellulose, eat more foods rich in plant fiber, food such as wheat bran, brown rice, cornmeal, soybeans, fruits such as bananas, apples, etc., vegetables such as celery, leeks, bean sprouts, eggplant, etc. .

2, eat a certain amount of vegetables and fruits every day, eat apples on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, or eat 1-3 bananas before each meal.

3, the staple food should not be too fine, you should eat some coarse grains.

4, in the morning, drink a cup of light salt water or honey water on an empty stomach, with abdominal massage or turn waist, let the water vibrate in the stomach, strengthen the laxative effect. Drink plenty of cold water all day long to help the bowels.


Habitual constipation complications Complications constipation

Habitual constipation refers to long-term, chronic functional constipation. Habitual constipation is not limited to functional constipation, but also includes colonic constipation and rectal constipation.

Constipation affects the vitality of the pelvic muscles, which reduces muscle contraction. At the same time, constipation can block cholesterol excretion. Cholesterol levels in the blood rise, blood vessels are susceptible to attack and harden, which affects endothelial cell function, which is detrimental to male penile erection and female clitoris bloating. Long-term constipation also increases the toxins in the body, hindering the synthesis, storage, and release of neurotransmitters with increased pleasure such as nitric oxide and vasoactive intestinal peptide. Constipation can also cause bloating, causing discomfort and causing loss of libido. Long-term constipation is prone to loss of libido, male erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, sexual apathy or lack of orgasm.

Because constipation is a relatively common symptom, the symptoms are different. Most people often do not pay special attention to it. They think that constipation is not a disease, no treatment, but in fact, constipation is very harmful.

1. Constipation plays an important role in the occurrence of some diseases such as colon cancer, hepatic encephalopathy, breast disease, and Alzheimer's disease. There are many research reports in this regard.

2. Constipation in acute myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident patients can lead to life accidents, there are many painful cases to alert us.

3. Partial constipation and anorectal diseases, such as sputum, anal fissure, etc. have a close relationship.

Therefore, early prevention and reasonable treatment of constipation will greatly reduce the serious consequences of constipation, improve the quality of life, and reduce the burden on society and the family.


Habitual constipation symptoms Common symptoms Pediatric constipation complexion gray secondary constipation laxative constipation defecation time too long nose acne defecation frequency abnormal stool into granule constipation nasal acne

Habitual constipation, also known as functional constipation, refers to less than 3 bowel movements per week, or frequent bowel movements. People with constipation not only absorb too much toxins because of the retention of stool, but also absorb too much cholesterol from normal people because of slow discharge of stool. Therefore, people with long-term constipation, fainting and bloated, present an abnormal pathological appearance. Habitual constipation is common in the abnormal function of primary intestinal peristalsis, delaying the movement of stool and peristalsis. In the final analysis, it is said that the flora of the intestinal tract is unbalanced.


Habitual constipation check

Commonly used methods for refractory constipation are as follows:

1. Fecal routine and occult blood should be routinely examined.

2. Inspections related to biochemistry and metabolism. If the clinical manifestations suggest that the symptoms are due to inflammation, tumors or other systemic diseases, hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and biochemical tests (such as thyroid function, blood calcium, blood sugar, and other related tests) should be tested.

3. Anorectal digital examination, you can understand the function of the tumor and anal sphincter.

4. Colonoscopy or barium enema helps to determine if there is an organic cause. Especially when there is a recent change in bowel habits, blood in the stool or other alarm symptoms (such as weight loss, fever), a full colon examination is recommended to determine whether there are organic lesions such as colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, colon stenosis, etc. .

5. Gastrointestinal transmission test (GITT) is helpful for judging the presence or absence of slow transmission, often at 48h and 72h.

6. Defecation angiography can dynamically observe the anatomical and functional changes of the anorectal. Defecation angiography can assess rectal emptying speed and completeness, anal right angle and perineal decline. In addition, defecation can be found in organic lesions such as large rectal prolapse, rectal mucosal prolapse or intussusception.

7. Anorectal manometry can check the anorectal function is accessible.

8.24h colonic pressure monitoring has certain guiding significance for surgery. In the absence of a specific propellant contractile wave (SPPW) and a lack of response to the waking and eating of the colon, the colon is weak, and surgical resection can be considered.

9. Anal manometry combined with endoscopic ultrasonography can show the absence of mechanical anal sphincter and anatomical defects, which can provide clues for surgery.

10. Apply perineal nerve latency or electromyography to distinguish whether constipation is myogenic or neurogenic.


Habitual constipation diagnosis

Simple constipation: common in eating too little, lack of food residue, lack of fiber, less stimulation of colonic movement; defecation habits are disturbed, due to mental factors, changes in living patterns, long-distance travel, etc., neglecting daily care, failing to defecate in time Abuse of strong laxatives, which weakens the sensitivity of the intestines and forms a dependence on laxatives.

Idiopathic constipation: Intractable constipation, also known as idiopathic constipation, is present in the absence of organic disease and the cause is still unclear.

Temporary constipation: It may be caused by consequences caused by changes in living environment such as travel, moving, or mental stress, trouble, or inadequate bowel movements in the stomach or colon due to reduced food intake.

Intractable constipation is a type of disease that gradually causes difficulty in defecation at different ages due to congenital knot and rectal anatomical variation. It is a functional gastrointestinal disorder, that is, it can not find the physical lesions on the body. It is caused by nervousness, stress, gastrointestinal motility disorder, or constipation, which creates a vicious circle and leads to habitual constipation.

Secondary constipation: Any constipation that occurs on the basis of organic diseases or diseases is called secondary constipation, also known as symptomatic constipation. There are many diseases with constipation symptoms. The diagnosis is mainly based on consultation and clinical examination, especially when observing feces and feces, it can be used to identify the symptoms, and if necessary, rectal examination and drug diagnosis can help to confirm the diagnosis.

Spastic constipation is a functional constipation. It is caused by excessive colonic movement, causing colonic sputum, too narrow intestinal lumen, constipation caused by inability to pass stool, also known as irritable bowel syndrome, which is characterized by constipation-diarrhea alternation. Or long-term diarrhea.

Postpartum constipation: maternal postpartum diet as usual, but the stool does not work for a few days or dry pain during defecation, difficult to solve, called postpartum constipation, or postpartum stool is difficult, is one of the most common postpartum diseases.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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