Dry socket


Introduction to dry trough Dry trough mainly occurs after the extraction of the mandibular impacted wisdom tooth, which is an infection of the bone caused by oral bacteria. At present, it is believed that trauma and infection and extraction of teeth are the main causes. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of dry trough, the trauma should be minimized during tooth extraction. The tooth extraction should be minimized after tooth extraction. The buccal and lingual bone plates should be pressed to reduce the wound, and the suture should be sutured and sutured. Do not overtighten too much to prevent postoperative swelling; antibiotics can be used before and after tooth extraction to prevent infection. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.002%-0.003% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: gingivitis


Cause of dry trough


The cause may be caused by injury, infection, excessive alveolar fossa, poor blood supply, and decreased patient resistance. Histopathology is characterized by superficial osteitis of the alveolar bone wall or mild localized osteomyelitis.

Tooth extraction (40%):

Dental extraction is the most common treatment technique in dentistry. Because the tooth extraction can cause local tissue damage, causing bleeding, swelling, pain and other reactions, it can also lead to fluctuations in blood pressure, body temperature and pulse, so it must be treated with caution.

Wound infection (30%):

Medical infection refers to local tissue and systemic inflammatory reactions caused by the invasion of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites into the human body. Another factor that causes this disease is a wound infection caused by oral bacteria.


Dry trough prevention

In order to prevent the occurrence of dry trough, the trauma should be minimized during tooth extraction. The tooth extraction should be minimized after tooth extraction. The buccal and lingual bone plates should be pressed to reduce the wound, and the suture should be closed. Close tightness to prevent postoperative swelling; antibiotics can be used before and after tooth extraction to prevent infection.


Dry socket disease complications Complications gingivitis

Generally no complications.


Dry trough symptoms common symptoms involve severe pain, low fever

The main symptom is that there is persistent severe pain in the local area from 3 to 4 days after tooth extraction, and it involves pain in the ear. The clots in the local alveolar fossa are dark gray, and the necrotic tissue gradually falls off, exposing the alveolar bone. The gums around the mouth of the tooth extraction are red and swollen, and the surface of the alveolar bone wall is necrotic, covered with a gray-white pseudomembrane, and the wound has an odor. Local lymphadenopathy, pain during compression, limited mouth opening, low fever, and general malaise.


Dry groove examination

Symptoms of tooth infection are pain, such as being confined to a certain tooth and caused by sweetness or coldness. It is often caused by the fact that the tendon is close to the pulp containing nerves. This pain often disappears quickly. Patients should avoid the stimulation of pain, use milder analgesics, and should see a doctor as soon as possible. The clinical manifestation is spontaneous pain from 2 to 3 days after tooth extraction, and radiation to the ear or anterior teeth. The doctor found that the blood clots in the extraction socket fell off, the bone wall was exposed, and it was grayish white. When the probe hit the bone wall Very painful, if not treated in time, the course of the disease can last for half a month or longer.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of dry trough

1. After 3 to 4 days of tooth extraction, severe persistent pain occurs and is radiated to the ear, lower mandibular area or the top of the head. The pain lasts for more than ten days.

2. The emptiness in the extraction socket, or residual blood clots with spoilage and necrosis, such as the use of cotton balls to extract the contents and smell the stench.

3. There is obvious tenderness in the bone wall of the extraction socket, and the gums around the wound are slightly red and swollen.

4. Local lymph nodes may have swelling and tenderness.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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