Transition spine


Introduction to the transitional spine The so-called transitional spine refers to the shape of the neck, chest, waist, ankle and other segments of the spine that move to each other at the junction to form another vertebra, or "transitional spine." Although this situation can be seen in the neck and chest segments, the vast majority of cases occur in the lumbosacral region, so this section mainly describes the transitional spine of the lumbosacral region. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: this disease is rare, the incidence rate is about 0.001%-0.002% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious complication:


Transitional spinal cause

(1) Causes of the disease

The cause is unknown.

(two) pathogenesis

The normal spine consists of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 5 axillary vertebrae and 4 caudal vertebrae. At the 4th to 7th week of the embryo, the vertebrae begin to differentiate, the vertebral body is at the center of the bone, and the bilateral vertebral arches The additional osteogenesis center of the bone center and the lateral part began to appear at the 10th week, 20th week and 30th week of the embryo, and the vertebral body, vertebral arch and lateral healing were completed before the age of 8 years old. Healed at 7 to 15 years old, around 15 years old, on each vertebral body, a seesaw appears on the underside, and an additional osteogenesis center appears on or under the ear surface. At 18 years old, the tarsal plate and the vertebral body At the beginning of the fusion, the 5th sacral vertebrae merge into a tibia at the age of 30.

During this process, certain factors affecting development can cause alienation and cause migration of the vertebral body.


Transitional spinal prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease.


Transitional spinal complications Complication

When the lumbar vertebrae are degenerated, the fifth lumbar vertebrae and the tibia are easy to form a pseudo joint.


Transitional spine symptoms Common symptoms Forced prone position Torso deformity Bending sciatica Neuron stimulation Stimulation of the appendix vertebral fusion Lumbar spondylolisthesis

1. Symptoms of vertebral palpebral vertebral body

(1) Overview: Under normal circumstances, such malformations may not cause any symptoms, especially in adolescence, the diagnosis and classification of malformations are mainly based on X-ray films, and patients with low back pain with lumbosacral deformity should first Consider other diseases and conduct a more comprehensive examination. Only when a clear cause cannot be found, can you consider the deformity of the system, which is often caused by kisses and floating spines.

(2) The symptomology of the transitional spine and its principle:

1 The weight of the vertebrae is aggravated: Although the lumbar vertebrae can increase the stability of the lower back, the load of the other lumbar vertebrae is aggravated, causing strain and exacerbation of vertebrae degeneration.

2 The stability of the vertebrae is weakened: no matter the thoracic vertebrae or the lumbar vertebrae, the number of lumbar vertebrae is increased and the lever is lengthened, so that the stability of the lumbar vertebrae is weakened, and it is prone to trauma, strain and degeneration.

3 weight imbalance of the vertebral segments: for bilateral asymmetrical lumbar vertebrae, the side that is not fused or fused less is likely to cause damage to the surrounding soft tissue due to the large amount of activity; on the other side has been associated with the tibia In the case of a pseudo-articular joint, since the joint is a childish joint, it is difficult to absorb the shock caused by the external force and the injury-induced arthritis is likely to occur.

4 nerve compression: when the lumbar vertebrae sputum, the dorsal branches of the spinal nerves running near the fifth lumbar vertebrae are susceptible to hypertrophy of the transverse process, especially in the ascending and scoliosis.

5 Reflex sciatica: It is very rare to cause sciatica caused by malformation or compression of the sciatic nerve or its components. Many peripheral nerve branches are stimulated and reflexively present sciatic nerve symptoms. Local (pain) closure therapy can be used. Make it disappear.

2. Classification

(1) Lumbar vertebrae degeneration: refers to the transformation of the fifth lumbar vertebrae into all or part of the atlas, so that it forms part of the iliac crest. Clinically, the fifth lumbar vertebrae on one side or both sides of the transverse process is formed into a wing and a tibia. More common, and more with the humerus to form a pseudo joint; and a small number of the fifth lumbar vertebral body (along with the transverse process) and the humerus healed together, this deformity is more common.

(2) thoracic vertebrae: refers to the 12th thoracic spine loses the ribs and forms a lumbar vertebrae. If the 5th lumbar vertebrae are not accompanied by delirium, the lumbar spine is still present and has lumbar function.

(3) sacral lumbar vertebrae: the first sacral vertebrae evolved into a lumbar vertebrae-like morphology, the incidence is very low, mostly found by accident when reading, generally more asymptomatic.

(4) Tail-tail fusion: that is, the atlas and the caudal vertebrae merge into one another, which is more common than the former.


Transitional spine examination

X-ray examination can show the transitional vertebral body and classification.


Transitional spinal diagnosis

In addition to the general symptoms of the waist, the diagnosis is mainly based on X-ray examination.

Such malformations are very common, but the number of people who are really intractable low back pain is very small, so it must be associated with other common diseases of the lower back, such as lumbar spinal stenosis, root canal stenosis, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation (), Ankle joint arthritis, sciatic pelvic outlet stenosis, supraspinous ligament injury, interspinous ligament injury, and differentiation of tumors, tuberculosis, etc.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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