Tracheal obstruction
Introduction to tracheal obstruction Tracheal obstruction is most common in chest injuries caused by traffic accidents, which often cause disturbance of consciousness due to head injury; others are also common in excessive drinking, medical surgery and arbitrary use of anesthetics. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.80% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: coma
Causes of tracheal obstruction
Trauma factors (65%):
Tracheal obstruction is most common in chest injuries caused by traffic accidents, which often cause disturbance of consciousness due to head injury; others are also common in excessive drinking, medical surgery and arbitrary use of anesthetics.
Body factor (35%):
Upper airway obstruction is often due to the tongue drooping, the mouth and throat are blocked by foreign bodies, such as mud, blood and falling teeth, the neck and thoracic trachea and bronchus are blocked due to secretions and blood blockage, tracheal obstruction such as chest injury Its clinical manifestations vary, and it can be asymptomatic at an early stage, but it is suddenly mutated. In severe cases, it can be caused by severe hypoxia and arrhythmia.
Tracheal obstruction prevention
1. Observe the vital signs such as breathing and pulse, and whether there is irritability.
2. Take the denture in the exit.
3, the surrounding environment is quiet, the light is suitable, the air is fresh and ventilated, but avoid direct blowing.
4, when heating in winter, the heat source should not be placed close, including air conditioning.
5, the supine position generally takes the head high and low, but it is not appropriate to put the items under the head, can be placed on the side of the head.
6, do not eat foods with high sugar and fat.
7. Observe the stool and pay attention to keep it open. If you have constipation, take the soup, do not take medicine.
8. Regardless of the liquid or powder, it should be fed slowly in small amounts. After hearing the ingestion of the drug, feed the second spoon.
9, the jaws closed, you can use the opener, but should not be rough operation.
Tracheal obstruction complications Complications
1. Difficulty breathing during inhalation.
2. Throat during inhalation.
3. In the inspiratory period, the clavicle upper and lower fossa, the sternal fossa, the xiphoid and the intercostal soft tissue depression.
4. There is a voice.
5. Severe hypoxic patients show fast and shallow breathing, fast heart rate, weak pulse, pale face, sweating, cyanosis, and even suffocation, heart failure and death.
Tracheal obstruction symptoms common symptoms, shortness of breath, coma, loss of consciousness
In patients with tracheal obstruction, in the early stage of the disease, extra force is used to overcome the obstruction for breathing, and there may be shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, skin and mucous membranes; and three concave signs may occur, auscultation may be heard and wheezing, and severe cases are gradually exhausted and consciousness is lost. An oxygen-deficient coma occurs until the breathing stops.
Tracheal obstruction
1. According to medical history, symptoms and signs:
(1) Difficulty breathing during inhalation.
(2) Throat during inhalation.
(3) In the inspiratory period, the upper and lower fossa of the clavicle, the upper sternal fossa, the lower xiphoid and the soft tissue depression of the intercostal space.
(4) There may be hoarseness.
(5) Severe hypoxia showed rapid and shallow breathing, rapid heart rate, weak pulse, pale face, sweating, cyanosis, and even suffocation and heart failure.
2. When the condition allows, pharynx, throat, neck, chest examination and fluoroscopy or film should be taken to find the cause.
Diagnosis and diagnosis of tracheal obstruction
Diagnosis can be made based on medical history, clinical manifestations, and examination.
Differential diagnosis
(1) Those with milder conditions should be identified with upper respiratory tract infections.
(B) bronchial foreign body: When there is airway obstruction with infection, its respiratory symptoms are similar to acute bronchitis, should pay attention to ask whether there is a history of respiratory foreign body inhalation, after treatment, the effect is not good, prolonged unhealed, repeated attacks. Chest X-ray showed obstruction such as atelectasis and emphysema.
(C) hilar bronchial lymph node tuberculosis: according to the history of tuberculosis exposure, tuberculin test and chest X-ray examination.
(D) bronchiolitis: more common in infants less than 6 months, there are obvious acute episodes of asthma and breathing difficulties. The body temperature is not high, the lungs are not obvious when the asthma attacks, and the fine wet rales can be heard after the relief.
(5) Bronchial pneumonia: When the symptoms of acute bronchitis are heavier, it should be differentiated from bronchial pneumonia.
The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.