Thyroid hemangioma


Introduction to thyroid hemangioma Thyroid hemangioma is a common benign tumor of the thyroid gland. According to the histopathological structure, it is divided into cavernous hemangioma of capillary hemangioma. Young adults with an onset age between 20 and 40 years old are more common in women. Thyroid hemangioma is a misconfiguration of vascular abnormalities in the thyroid gland. Often manifested as swelling of the thyroid side, sometimes accompanied by neck pain, swelling and pain during activity, a small number of patients with difficulty in speech or hoarseness, the pronunciation returned to normal after rest. At present, most scholars believe that during the development of human embryos, especially in the early stage of vascular differentiation, due to the small-scale misconfiguration of the control gene segments, the tissue differentiation of specific parts is abnormal and develops into hemangioma. Some scholars believe that in the early embryonic period (8 ~ 12 months), embryonic tissue suffers mechanical damage, and local tissue hemorrhage causes some hematopoietic stem cells to be distributed to other embryonic characteristic cells, some of which differentiate into vascular-like tissues and eventually form hemangioma. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: young adults between the ages of 20 and 40 Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules


Causes of thyroid aneurysm

Mechanical damage (50%):

At present, most scholars believe that during the development of human embryos, especially in the early stage of vascular differentiation, due to the small-scale misconfiguration of the control gene segments, the tissue differentiation of specific parts is abnormal and develops into hemangioma. Some scholars believe that in the early embryonic period (8 ~ 12 months), embryonic tissue suffers mechanical damage, and local tissue hemorrhage causes some hematopoietic stem cells to be distributed to other embryonic characteristic cells, some of which differentiate into vascular-like tissues and eventually form hemangioma.


Thyroid hemangioma prevention

Vegetables, melons, and beans are rich in vitamins and trace elements, which have certain anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. For example, soybeans, cabbage, and Chinese cabbage are rich in trace elements of molybdenum. Tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and jujube are rich in vitamins A, C, and B. Among them, spinach is the most nutritious, and it contains many vitamins. Times. Garlic moss, eucalyptus, cauliflower and cabbage are rich in vitamins, and also contain a ruthenium matrix which can increase the activity of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, which can resist the carcinogenic effects of chemical carcinogens.


Thyroid hemangioma complications Complications hypothyroidism thyroid nodules

Complications include ulcers, hemorrhage, infection, damage to vital organs, congestive heart failure, and limb deformities caused by skeletal muscle damage. If the hemangioma invades the cervical vertebra, symptoms of nerve root compression, such as pain, upper limb sensation and movement disorder, may occur.


Thyroid hemangioma symptoms common symptoms goiter cystic mass pronunciation changes

Often manifested as swelling of the thyroid side, sometimes accompanied by neck pain, swelling and pain during activity, a small number of patients with difficulty in speech or hoarseness, the pronunciation returned to normal after rest, may be active hemangioma compression optic recurrent nerve Caused. Palpation of thyroid enlargement, can be isolated and isolated irregular mass or nodular mass, soft texture, the boundary of the mass is not clear, the compression of the mass is compressed, significantly reduced, the mass moves with swallowing.


Examination of thyroid hemangioma

General laboratory results have no specific findings. For the more superficial, the more restrictive examine the project to check the frame limit "A". For those who are deep in the site or the tumor is large, the inspection project may include the check boxes "B" and "A". X-ray radiographs of the neck are useful for understanding the size, extent, or whether the tumor is eroding the cervical or laryngeal cartilage. If an angiogram is performed before surgery, the nutritional branch of the hemangioma can be understood, and the blood vessels can be ligated at both ends of the hemangioma, which can reduce intraoperative bleeding and facilitate the complete removal of the hemangioma.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of thyroid hemangioma


According to the clinical symptoms, the thyroid is swollen and can touch irregular masses. The texture of the mass is soft and compressive, and the mass moves with swallowing. If necessary, local puncture will take out the blood, and blood coagulation after placement can be diagnosed as thyroid hemangioma. B-ultrasound or CT examination can determine the size of thyroid hemangioma and invasion of surrounding tissues.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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