Pulmonary geometriosis
Introduction to pulmonary filariasis Pneumocystis is a bronchopulmonary lesion caused by Geotrichum candidum. This bacterium is a fungal parasitic fungus that is widely found in nature. The bacteria can be detected in the skin mucosa, digestive tract, sputum and feces of normal people and therefore belong to endogenous conditions. Only when the body's resistance is reduced, it causes infections such as diabetes, malignant tumors, AIDS, organ transplantation, long-term use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, and broad-spectrum antibiotics. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0058% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: contagious Complications: sepsis
Cause of pulmonary filariasis
(1) Causes of the disease
The genus Candida is a genus of incomplete bacteria, from the genus Stemaceae, Geotrichum, whose vegetative cells are fungal filaments, easily sporulated into spores, no blastospores and ascospores.
(two) pathogenesis
Geotrichum candidum is an occasional conditional pathogen, which can be a normal flora of certain organs of the human body. This bacteria can invade through the respiratory tract, mouth and skin, invading the skin mucosa and internal organs, most often involving the lungs and intestines, often Infection occurs when the immune function is low.
Pulmonary pathogen prevention
The existence of underlying diseases or low immune function is often a prerequisite for the disease, so clinicians should actively treat the underlying diseases and improve the body's immunity.
Pulmonary plague complications Complications sepsis
The body is extremely weak, and the immune mechanism is obviously inhibited. Geotric acid sepsis can occur, causing multiple infections such as skin, oral mucosa, and intestinal tract.
Symptoms of pulmonary filariasis Common symptoms Abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, diarrhea
There are three main types of ground plague caused by respiratory route: bronchial filariasis, pulmonary filariasis and septicemia, clinical manifestations similar to bronchitis and tuberculosis, manifested as cough, cough, sputum Mucous or gelatinous, sometimes with bloodshot in the sputum, some cases of fever, fatigue, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, etc., auscultation of the lungs can be heard and wet voice, the body is extremely weak, the immune mechanism can be significantly inhibited Mildewemia, causing skin, oral mucosa, intestinal tract and other infections, resulting in skin erythema, itching, subcutaneous abscess, oral mucosal leukoplakia, as well as abdominal pain, diarrhea, mucopurulent bloody stools.
Examination of pulmonary filariasis
Pathogen examination
(1) Direct microscopic examination: sputum, mucosal leukoplakia, biopsy tissue, direct smear microscopy after treatment with 10% potassium hydroxide, visible rectangular joint spores (4m × 8m) or round spores (diameter 4 ~ 8m) Gram staining is positive and there is no gap between the two joint spores.
(2) Bacterial culture: Glucose protein on agar medium, the room temperature grows fast, the colony is membranous, moist, grayish white, sticky, the microscopic examination is the same as the direct microscopic examination, and sometimes a spore tube is found in the corner of the joint spore.
(3) Animal inoculation: no pathogenicity.
2. Some cases of skin test may be positive for the chlortetracycline test.
3. Blood tests showed that the total number of white blood cells and the percentage of neutrophils were significantly increased.
The chest X-ray signs of lung mold are mainly: smooth patchy infiltration shadows on the inner edge of the lung field, and some thin-walled voids are formed.
Diagnosis and diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis
The clinical symptoms and signs of the disease are non-specific, and the normal human oral and intestinal tract can detect the genus Candida. Therefore, in addition to multiple detection of the bacteria or spores, it is necessary to combine other clinical data. Including basic diseases, immune mechanism status, etc., and excluding tuberculosis, bacterial, viral, mycoplasmal bronchitis and pneumonia, and other fungal diseases can be determined, skin test positive can be used as an auxiliary diagnosis.
Tuberculosis, bacterial, viral, mycoplasmal bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as other fungal diseases.
The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.