ENT trauma


Introduction to Otolaryngology Trauma Otolaryngology and traumatic trauma can be seen in wartime. In the case of incomplete self-defense counterattacks, the Otolaryngology Injury accounted for 5.7% of the admissions staff. The ear and nose protrude from the head and face and are easily traumatized. The detonation pressure wave of a wartime firearm is particularly damaging to the hearing device. The throat is deep, with a mandible on the front, a chest under the front, and a cervical spine protection, so there is less chance of injury. In the war injury, ear wounds accounted for 72.6% of nasal injuries accounted for 21.0%; throat wounds accounted for 6.4%. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: fracture


Otorhinolaryngology trauma

Usually, the trauma is caused by impact, falling, squeezing, cutting, etc., there are contusions, lacerations, cuts, wartime due to shrapnel, gunshot wounds, other blast injuries, burns, chemical and atomic injuries, etc. .

The ear, nose and throat are connected to each other and are adjacent to the brain, eyes, mouth, and cervical vertebrae. Most of the wounds are combined injuries. The combined injuries are usually 35%, and the combined injuries in wartime are as high as 62.5%. The maxillofacial and ocular injuries are combined. More common.


Otolaryngology trauma prevention

Be safe and prevent head trauma.


Otorhinolaryngology trauma complications Complications

Secondary bleeding, local infections, lung and intracranial infections, etc., late symptoms are mostly traumatic sequelae, such as scarring, resulting in respiratory and swallowing dysfunction or neurological dysfunction, and affect the face.


Otolaryngology trauma symptoms Common symptoms Ear lobe defect Ear tympanic membrane rupture of the earlobe Adhesive intracranial infection Trauma open injury Ear canal bleeding

(1) Trauma is mostly combined injury. Whether it is closed or open injury, bone tissue is prone to fracture or broken bone.

(B) early symptoms are often directly affected, such as bleeding, breathing, difficulty swallowing and vocalization, hearing and balance disorders and combined injuries.

(3) The mid-term symptoms are mainly the result of secondary infection or complications, such as secondary bleeding, local infection, lung and intracranial infection.

(D) late symptoms are mostly traumatic sequelae, such as scarring, resulting in respiratory and swallowing dysfunction or neurological dysfunction, and affect the face.

(5) Open injuries, especially shrapnel injuries, often with foreign bodies remaining.


Otolaryngology trauma examination

Detailed medical history, comprehensive physical examination, X-ray, CT and other auxiliary examinations, if necessary, puncture can be clearly diagnosed.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of otolaryngology trauma


Diagnosis can be based on symptoms and related tests.

Differential diagnosis

Need to identify non-traumatic ear, nose and throat injuries, the main symptoms of otolaryngology trauma are:

(1) Trauma is mostly combined injury. Whether it is closed or open injury, bone tissue is prone to fracture or broken bone.

(B) early symptoms are often directly affected, such as bleeding, breathing, difficulty swallowing and vocalization, hearing and balance disorders and combined injuries.

(3) The mid-term symptoms are mainly the result of secondary infection or complications, such as secondary bleeding, local infection, lung and intracranial infection.

(D) late symptoms are mostly traumatic sequelae, such as scarring, resulting in respiratory and swallowing dysfunction or neurological dysfunction, and affect the face.

(5) Open injuries, especially shrapnel injuries, often with foreign bodies remaining.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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