External auditory canal papilloma


Introduction of external auditory canal papilloma The papilloma of external papilloma (papillomaofexternal auditorycanal) is a benign tumor that occurs in the skin of the external auditory canal. It is the result of long-term stimulation and proliferation of squamous cells or basal cells. Papilloma of the external auditory canal occurs mostly in the outer segment of the external auditory canal, as a result of the proliferation of the epithelial layer, especially the basal cell layer. It is more common in southern China, and it occurs in men. The pathological changes are the same as those in other parts of the skin. The incidence of malignant transformation of this disease is about 2%. Tumors are asymptomatic in the early stage, full of obstruction in the external auditory canal, itching or hearing loss, often have ear bleeding or excavation of "meat" samples, with secondary infections may have earache, pus, check visible external auditory canal Single or multiple hairs of different sizes, rough surface, pedicled or pedunculated brown-yellow mass, hard to touch, infected people can be swollen and granulated, and those with local blood circulation disorder can be black, can Part of the natural shedding, rapid proliferation can invade the middle ear and mastoid, even under the auricle to form a fistula, the disease has a tendency to malignant, should pay attention to check whether there are swollen lymph nodes around the ear. basic knowledge The proportion of the disease: the proportion of the disease in a specific group is about 0.008% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: chronic suppurative otitis media


Causes of external auditory canal papilloma

Virus infection (30%):

Animal experiments have confirmed that viral infection can cause local hyperplasia of the epithelium and cause disease. Infected and infected, the patient can be swollen and swelled into granulation. Earing may be the route of transmission of a viral infection.

Chronic stimulation (30%):

Chronic suppurative otitis media and otitis of the ear canal, long-term retention of foreign bodies and frequent excavation of the ear and other chronic stimuli. It is mainly the result of long-term stimulation and proliferation of squamous cells or basal cells.


External auditory canal papilloma prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. The disease has a tendency to malignant. It should be checked whether there are swollen lymph nodes around the ear. At the same time, when suffering from inflammatory diseases such as chronic suppurative otitis media and external auditory canal, it should be treated promptly, and purulent secretions and other foreign bodies should be cleaned in time to reduce the stimulation of the ear canal. In addition, less ear should be dug in daily life, and be careful not to share the ear spoon with patients with ear infections.


External auditory canal papillary complications Complications chronic suppurative otitis media

With secondary infection, there may be earache and pus.


Symptoms of external auditory canal papilloma Common symptoms Double auricle defect Hearing loss Earache Ear canal Foreign body secondary infection Ear ear bleeding

Tumors are asymptomatic in the early stage, full of obstruction in the external auditory canal, itching or hearing loss, often have ear bleeding or excavation of "meat" samples, with secondary infections may have earache, pus, check visible external auditory canal Single or multiple hairs of different sizes, rough surface, pedicled or pedunculated brown-yellow mass, hard to touch, infected people can be swollen and granulated, and those with local blood circulation disorder can be black, can Part of the natural shedding, rapid proliferation can invade the middle ear and mastoid, even under the auricle to form a fistula, the disease has a tendency to malignant, should pay attention to check whether there are swollen lymph nodes around the ear.


Examination of external auditory canal papilloma

Check: see the external auditory canal of single or multiple hairs of different sizes, rough surface, pedicled or pedunculated brown-yellow mass, hard to touch, infected people can be swollen and swelled with granulation, local blood circulation disorder can be It is black and can partially fall off naturally. It can invade the middle ear and mastoids when it proliferates rapidly. It forms a fistula under the auricle. This disease has a tendency to malignant. It should be checked whether there are swollen lymph nodes around the ear.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of external auditory canal papilloma

1. Small tumors without infection can be diagnosed according to their appearance, and most of them should be diagnosed by disease. Identify with .

2, according to the patient's medical history and ear examination can make a clinical diagnosis, the pathological biopsy of the tumor can be diagnosed.

3, should pay attention to the identification of external auditory canal cancer and viral flat warts, the pathological biopsy of tumor tissue shall prevail.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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