EEG spikes
The EEG spike is a short-time potential (20-80MS), which rises vertically and falls, and the amplitude is about 100-200μV. The polarity of the spike is called negative spike, and the lower one is called Is a positive spike. Most of the spikes are pathological waves. Common in localized epilepsy, epileptic seizures, myoclonic seizures, diencephalic epilepsy. Don't be nervous when checking, put the receiving electrode on the scalp, not energized; relax the whole body muscle to avoid interference with myoelectricity; blink, close your eyes or breathe as required by your doctor. Basic Information Specialist classification: neurological examination classification: neuroelectrophysiology Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Wash your hair, don't lick oil; eat well to prevent hypoglycemia from affecting the results; stop the various drugs 3 days before the test, you can not stop the drug to explain the name, dosage and usage, so that the doctor can refer to. Normal value The frequency of normal human EEG is almost entirely composed of α wave and β wave. The amplitude and frequency of the waveform are uniformly symmetrical on both sides, the frequency is constant, and the amplitude can be different by 30 on both sides. Clinical significance Abnormal result A short time potential (20 ~ 80MS), vertical rise and fall, a high amplitude of about 100 ~ 200μV, may be localized epilepsy, epileptic seizures, myoclonic seizures, inter-brain epilepsy. Need to check the crowd: localized epilepsy, epileptic seizures, myoclonic seizures, inter-brain epilepsy. Precautions Contraindications before the examination: wash the hair, do not lick the oil; full meal, to prevent hypoglycemia affect the results; 3 days before the examination to stop all kinds of drugs, can not stop the drug to explain the name, dosage and usage, so that the doctor can refer to. Requirements for inspection: Do not be nervous when checking, place the receiving electrode on the scalp, not energized; relax the whole body muscle to avoid interference with myoelectricity; blink, close your eyes or breathe as required by your doctor. Inspection process Sitting or lying, closing your eyes, quiet, relaxing, not moving, getting ready, the doctor takes the patient quietly and then checks the EEG. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate crowd: None. Adverse reactions and risks Nothing.
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